The Dance by wolf116
Chapter: Love Bites

03/10/2007 11:21 pm
awww, that was pretty sweet, love...i very much enjoyed it...glad buffy's starting to see things now that she ignored before, in hindsight things are usually much clearer
Thank You!

Buffy was always the run away girl, now she's having to actually sit there and read all this and it's not pretty on her part. Hindsight usually comes back to bite your ass hard. And it hurts like a bitch.

Thank you, again!

03/10/2007 10:05 pm
good to be able to look back and admitted you were wrong.(except for the very few of us who were never every wrong over the decades.) very good read, thank you.
LOL! There are many times I've thought the same thing, (Not that I'm ever wrong or anything);)

Thank you!

03/10/2007 07:58 pm
Hindsight's a wonderful thing.
Oh yes it is. But it always comes back to bite you in the ass.

Thank you!

03/10/2007 09:45 am
You went pretty much canon on this. The last sentence showed that she's accepted her responsibility for how their relationship went and how she'd blamed him when it was her fault that allowed for something amazing to get away. Great work, thanks.
;) Thank You! I've tried to stay pretty much to cannon on this story, but sometimes my brain wants to take it to naughty places. And I darned well know that it didn't happen, so I can't use it.

Oh yes Buffy's really doing the regret, and self flagration over all this. But she deserves to see just what she had, and screwed up so bad.

Thank you!