All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Serious

02/25/2008 11:54 pm
Date,huh? Nice...:D:D:D
Glad you liked :)

01/24/2008 12:08 am
How I love this. The way their relationship is unfoldig is beautiful, and I think is a believable spin on how season 6 should have gone.
Aww...thanks so much :D Glad you're enjoying it.

03/11/2007 11:18 am
I like serious, let-me-help Spike. And I think Buffy is going to learn to like him, too. If she doesn't die of frustration first.
I always wanted Spike to take more control. It's clear she needs guidance and instruction of some kind sometimes... Dunno what Giles was thinking on that account (okay, yea, I do). Thanks for reviewing :D

03/11/2007 12:17 am
fun read, thank you. the chapter ending seems like the beginning of a spike plan already going horribly wrong.
Well... all will be revealed soon.

03/10/2007 01:39 pm
Great that Buffy agreed to a date, and I love how much nicer she's to Spike here. Great chapter.
Oh, how can she not be nice to Spike? He's such a sweetie :D

03/10/2007 12:21 pm
Poor Buffy!! XD
No worries- how long do you think he can hold out? Thanks for reviewing :D

03/10/2007 11:26 am
Awww William. She has to know when she's talking to Spike and when she's dealing with William. Because they both want her Spike's stepping back and leaving the romantic side of him take over. A job as a bouncer is a better one then at a burger joint. Less smelly. Can't wait to see what he does for the date. It would be funny to see if Willow does the parent thing with him too. It's one of their more adult conversations. Thanks it was fun to watch.
Yea- I never got why the only place she could find work at was at DMP. I'm sure there was secretarial work, babysitting, anything but that. And the infamous date... is in the chapter after next :D