Who Am I? by SciFi_GK
Chapter: Chapter 18 - It's truly the end of the world

11/13/2012 04:25 am
I realize it is probably a permanent wip but I wanted you to know how much I've enjoyed what has been written so far.  I really wish it was finished.

So so so wish it was finished. Such a good story.
07/04/2010 02:50 am
Thanks so much! Have been - a while - out of the fandom. This one does continue to play in my head, though, so I hope to return to it...some day. As soon as RL permits. I do love me some Spuffy. ;-)

Warmest regards,

04/16/2008 04:52 pm
Hi, I am still following this  story - and am eagerly awaiting an update!

08/03/2007 08:15 am
i hope that you didn't abandon this fic! i really want to see where you take it!

07/25/2007 02:04 am
Ooh, I am really liking this story! I am so excited that it is going on past the Faith-Buffy switch and the idea of the two super blonds having to deal with the other's demon is fantastic. Especially that little bit where the Master Vampire reaches out for his demon senses, while in a Slayer's body, and almost reaches them for a moment!

I was a little confused during the switch itself, but now I think I am recognizing that Spike's demon had its own mind and thoughts about the switch and being torn away from its creator and human side. Spike, I think, is very human for a vampire, though he makes a point of being a cocky, irritating punk of a human. Without the human worries abot issues and insecurities and living up to expectations, I think his demon is far more open and as proved with Drusilla, doesn't mind showing the caring Spike is capable of. Buffy being able to feel these things for herself, mixed in with the violent impulses and blood-lust that means she can't pretend it isn't the DEMON feeling EMOTIONS.

I always thought Faith had a point about Slayers being separated from humans, but after the other Slayer went to the Dark Side or whatever, it was like Buffy had to hide from that. She wouldn't admit Slaying made her 'hungry and horny' or say she enjoyed it or admit that being the hero was a real part of her, as if any of those things will mean she'll turn out like Faith. I'm sure being in a vampire's body, with his demon, will help free her from all those inhibitions to be the perfect 'Saint Buffy'. Too, I hope Buffy to see how similar she is to Spike's demon when it comes to fighting and such.

At the same time, the idea of Spike really getting close to the force that drives Slayers, and that Buffy has been keeping on a tight leash without even knowing it, is gonna be so cool! I wonder how Spike would react to being out in sunlight or being treated like a girl, or even more oddly, a real person, especially when he can't think of humans only as food with the chip. I'm looking forward to him getting in touch with the violence of the Slayer side that he recognizes, while it is so ingrained into the urge to protect and the desire to help others who are hurt.

PLEASE, please, please, continue this story! It is so good and there is so much to be done! Spuffy 4-ever.Update soon, it's too good a plot to be left hanging!

Loads of love to SciFi_Gk! ;* (mwah!kiss)

06/16/2007 01:49 pm
you have something here that is different from most, I love it. please keep going.
Thanks so much for reviewing. It's been so long since I updated that I forget that the story is still out there. Then I get a review and I remember that other people are WAITING! LOL. I haven't left it off. I'm planning to finish it off-line and then post.

Reviews do move me along, though. :-) Again, thanks.

hugs, sfg

03/15/2007 01:01 am
This looks to be a great learning experience for her. And there's no way you can convince me that he smeared that blood around on accident.
To quote Spike **putting one finger on nose and pointing the other at p_i_f** Kewpie doll for the lady.

:-D Thank you. It was deliberate. Just as the noise, which he knew would hurt, was deliberate. Now we'll see how she handles it.

Besides, there's no one who pushes Buffy's buttons better than Spike, and that's a fact! LOL.

Thanks for reviewing. **squishes**

hugs, sfg

03/14/2007 03:23 am
excellent read and the last word is perfect, thank you.
Oh, thank you! I didn't know how that would go over. It just... happened. I LOVE it when that happens! LOL.

hugs, sfg

03/13/2007 09:02 am
Love their banter and she apologized! She's still a bitch though, she darted him just because he was yell at her, compassion thy name is not Buffy! If she can't control the demon and claims the slayers body, you better believe that Spike would complete the claim. Oh I hope she won't be able to control the demons basic urges besides killing. Since vampires are very sexual creatures. Spike's a Master, Buffy's not much more then a fledge. This is going to be so good. With the way Spikes demon has wanted her, she's going to have to deal with the state of arousal he often finds himself in. Yup, this should be good! Thanks for the much appreciated updated, that was great.
Verda, you are a charm. You got that she apologized and that it was so not what she would normally do to Spike. As I wrote the chapter, in my mind, that was HUGE. Yes, it was an off-hand apology ... **pointed look** ... JUST LIKE TO HER FRIENDS. See? HUGE for her. She has never wasted an apology on Spike, even when he deserved it.

Okay, that said, I have to say, I didn't see the Buffy coming out of my keyboard so much as a biotch but as an immature young lady that has always been the one to call the shots. In case anyone misses this, she's making it up as she goes. Yeah, with a little help from her inner slayer, but we found out after she faced Adam that that Slayer didn't even agree with her methods, so...**shrugs** make of it what you will.

About the compassion part, well, we know she's lacking there. OTH, SPIKE is fully aware of what she's going through and he is DELIBERATLY baiting/hurting her.

He KNOWS and he's just pitching a fit without care. Neither of them is behaving like an adult. Which, imo, is SO Spuffy I have to grin :-D

As to the sexual nature of the undead...**squee** I CAN'T WAIT TO GET TO THAT!!!

Oh. Sorry. Hehehe.

Hope you stick it out and thanks so much for reviewing. I love these things.

hugs, sfg

03/13/2007 06:33 am
The demon acting up serves Buffy right for being mean to Spike.
LOL. Once more...Spike is EVIL. He FULLY knows that she's having a head full of sensory overload. A sensory overload that he had to learn to deal with as a fledge. In my opinion, it's this very thing that sends fledglings into a frenzy when they rise. Buffy is being VERY good and handling it better than she really should.

On the other hand, like I said in previous reply, it doesn't mean that Buffy wouldn't learn to grow up is she, say, took a bit too much sun. LOL. I guess we'll see, huh?

Hope you stick it out.
hugs, sfg

03/13/2007 04:01 am
I can't believe what an utter bitch that Buffy-in-a-vampire-suit was being. The end of this chapter was just what she deserved, as far as I'm concerned. I so hope that this latest switch will teach her a little compassion. Great job. Looking forward to the next installment.
What???!!! She apologized! When has Buffy EVER apologized to Spike? EVER??? Spike was no less then sincere when he said it truly was the end of the world. Buffy might throw off those off-hand apologies to her friends... maybe even to a stranger... but to SPIKE? I don't think so.

We'll just see what happens next. Hope you stick with it.

hugs, sfg

03/13/2007 03:37 am
uh-oh--they might both be about to find out what happens when a slayer suddenly finds herself a vampire... :P lol...great chapter :)
Thank you! I admit, I'm a bit put off by the Buffy-hate this has brought up. Buffy isn't evil, she's just immature. SPIKE is the evil one, no matter how humanity sits on him. It remains to be seen if he has Buffy's soul. **cough**wouldbetonit**cough**

thanks for sticking it out.
hugs, sfg

03/13/2007 02:52 am
HA, Ha!!! Demon isn't going to play nice. Serves you right, Buffy, for being so mean.

Poor Spike....
"Poor Spike"...**thinking** Hmmm, this is getting to be a chorus. **chuckle** I feel I must remind you that ... SPIKE IS EVIL. LOL. He hasn't had his epiphany. In my mind, Spike's demon fell in love with Buffy long before SPIKE actually did. So, I guess we'll see, huh? I did mention to another reviewer that a mild sunburn my grow Buffy up right quick. LOL. We'll see.

thanks for reviewing.
hugs, sfg