All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Your Eyes Speak to Me

05/04/2015 08:37 pm
Love this chapter and I very much like your treatment of the infamous alley emotional melt--down attack.  The series has taken Buffy to some really dark places and then left her to suffer few consequences, if any, for her actions.  

02/26/2008 07:54 pm
"In that moment she knew that she loved him. Loved him for all that he was; loved him for loving every part of her. If only she could tell him…"

Sweet chapter,loved it.
Glad you liked ;)

01/24/2008 01:34 am
Enjoyed the Xander-Spike bonding and the nice revelation at the end :)
Hee--thanks. I personally felt that Xander liked Spike, but season six, he was totally written OOC, IMHO.

03/22/2007 03:48 am
sweet read, thank you. then the sad: "If only she could tell him…"
Sad, but true. Buffy just needs a bit of a push. I promise she'll get one soon...

03/19/2007 04:01 am
oh wow...that was so beautifully sweet...this is so, so much better...buffy's allowing spike the chance to romance her like he could have...and it was very smart of him to talk to xander like that, now things won't be so hard for them i'm sure...great chapter, love :)
Um... not so hard? Sure, sure... kinda. Thanks :D

03/18/2007 03:11 pm
I'm glad she had such a nice response to his poem because he was clearly worried. You have to love his gift of cash, and that he had some suggestions on how to use it. So not what I was expecting. I'm really glad Xander helped Spike get away from the frat boys, and that they were able to have such an honest discussion. Spike did a good job of calming his fears about marriage, and Xander was good to give his tacit approval of Spike hypothetically asking Buffy out....if only he knew what they had already been doing
Oh, the Xand Man wouldn't just leave him hanging. However, if he did know what was really going on, Spike may still be in the alley... Thanks for reviewing ;)

03/18/2007 01:29 pm
That was wonderful. If only Joss' Xander could have been that way. Looks like Buffy's going to have a "bestest-Buffy-birthday ever! Great chapter, thanks.
Well, there's still that demon in the walls thing to kinda muck it up. And we have "As You Were" to look forward to- not :(

03/18/2007 12:32 pm
Great chapter. If only I had a boyfriend like Spike who could give me gifts like he gave Buffy. Great that Buffy realized that she loves him.
Yea- that was probably inspired from me fantasizing how I'd *like* things to be... Thanks :)