Blood of My Blood by Blood Faerie
Chapter: Chapter Eight

04/27/2007 11:26 am
Glad that meeting with Joyce went that good. :)
Thank you

03/21/2007 06:12 pm
I'm glad Joyce was so understanding about the mating thing. She took it surprisingly well. Not sure about Faith, since she seems a little threatened by Buffy's return. I thought Spike did a good job of taking care of her and making a good first impression on his mother-in-law.
Thank you

03/21/2007 05:18 am
Really enjoyed this chapter. I'm not to sure on how to read Faith right now. Can't wait to see Xander's and Giles' reactions. Loved that Joyce was all supportive, but I didn't think she would be any other way.
*lifts Tarzan's buttflap* heehee

03/21/2007 04:25 am
yea! super yea! a new chapter! i'm so happy! loving the new chappie...glad spuffy are getting some protection charms. cause you know giles and xander are going to be butts...even though they've no room to talk. i'm hoping to see buffy hold her own against them (and yell at them for not looking for her). that would be great. and is faith going to be bad...or just have the insanely jealous portion of her personality? and who will she go after, spike or angel (when he returns from hell). keep up the amazing work...i've missed this story.
Thank you and I'll work on it ^.^

03/21/2007 03:11 am
Loved lt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ACK! *hides* Thank you!

03/21/2007 02:59 am
Woohoo!!! Love the update!! Soo, I guess they've met Faith and she's def. not liking either of them, so glad that Joyce was able to welcome them with open arms. Hmm, now I'm totally wondering what's gonna happen once the rest of the gang find out about Spuffy. Can't wait!!
Thank you! ^.^

03/20/2007 11:27 pm
Wow! I hadn't read this story before, and just raced through the whole thing. Such a cool idea...such a sexy Spike/ much humor and hotness! You must, must MUST update soon! Alia
Thank you ^.^ I'll try

03/20/2007 09:30 pm
I did a little happy dance when I saw that you had updated. I am glad that Buffy finally told Joyce she was alive, and I am glad that Faith is living there, maybe Joyce will be a good influence on her. I hope Giles and Xander don't go postal too much. Very good chapter, though I do miss Tarzan :D
Maybe Tarzan will appear for some sexcapades, lol, Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 09:30 pm
very good chapter, thank you. joyce was, well, joyce. well done.
Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 08:40 pm
I am so glad that you updated this, you have no idea how long I have been checking on it. ; ) I'm glad that Joyce is supportive. And even though Faith is going to spill the beans, I think she might actually come through in the end. Can't wait for more.
Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 06:34 pm
Sooo loving this! It's great. What will the future hold in store for our favourite pair? I will make sure to put this on my favourites list :D!
Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 05:22 pm
Don't think Joyce will be very happy with Faith if she finds out that she's put her into harms way. Glad Spike's not above doing what ever he needs to, to keep Buffy safe, as much as he hates magic. Thank you for the update, I've missed this fic.
Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 05:11 pm
awww, i'm so glad that joyce was so sweet about things, and maybe this time around faith and buffy will get along better...or maybe faith will still be a nasty ho-bag and try to steal buffy's't wait to find out! :)
heehee, Thank you

03/20/2007 03:07 pm
Love having smut of not. Just love this story and glad for the chapter. I am happy that she was able to talk to her mother. This is something that she really needed. And the first meeting with Faith was something. Just hope that they can get the supplies and back home before the 'calvary' starts to arrive at their door. Awesome chapter.
Good thing the cavalry wasn't that scary in s2, hehe, Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 01:47 pm
So happy to see an update. I was glad that Spike convinced her to go see Joyce; I think they need each other. I'm also intrigued to see how a Faith taken under Joyce's wing differs from the Faith we know.
Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 12:54 pm
Holding my breath waiting to see what the reaction is going to be!
Me too! Eee!

03/20/2007 12:20 pm
Oh I love it,I missed this story so much, I use to read it on TSR.
Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 11:49 am
Great update! Glad Buffy is being stronger about what she wants. Like the idea of the charms, will look forward to seeing how that sorts out.
Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 10:08 am
Oh what's Faith up too? Lets hope what ever it is Spike can get some wards put up before the others decide he's bad for Buffy and try to stake him... Brill update looking forward to the next chapter. huggles Spike's Mrs....
Thank you ^.^

03/20/2007 09:55 am
I was waiting for "Mom, this is my husband, Tarzan." And good on Willow for not breaking--I'm still betting she never got asked a direct question about Buffy, though.
Thank you again

03/20/2007 09:54 am
I was waiting for "Mom, this is my husband, Tarzan." And good on Willow for not breaking--I'm still betting she never got asked a direct question about Buffy, though.
Probably not, and I love that line! Thank you

03/20/2007 08:02 am
Great chapter. Faith arrived earlier I see, and seems to be running off to tell Giles about Buffy.
Thank you

03/20/2007 07:44 am
Yay! for an update. I really like this story, and am very interested to see where it goes. is Faith going to go evil? or will Buffy's willingness to accept her as a Slayer, since she has her own life that Faith can't take, allow for Faith to stay good? Is Angel coming back? That could be interesting. Please update again soon. I am really looking forward to it.
I smite you for using the name of Angel in my presence! Lol just kidding, but you'll have to keep reading to find out. Thank you ^.^