All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Razorblade Kisses

05/04/2015 10:27 pm
Love how you ended this chapter - LOL, hope I'm not repeating the same "comments" from my earlier reading.  

05/04/2015 10:01 pm
Love how you ended this chapter - LOL, hope I'm not repeating the same "comments" from my earlier reading.  

02/26/2008 10:33 pm
Why does she always whisper stuff after him? Stuff that he should actually hear. God,she is so hard to understand som-all the bloody time!
Yes, she's a bit dense, I know.  She can't verbalize her feelings.  At least, where the people who need to hear them can hear them.

03/25/2007 12:02 pm
I know what Buffy did was wrong, but for God sake, can't the two of them sit down and talk!
Hmm... eventually ;)

03/24/2007 10:27 pm
Now that's too upsetting. I hope you fix it soon.
Soon? Yes. In the upcoming chapter? No... but I hope I'll see you then anyway. I'll get it there ;)

03/24/2007 07:45 am
I just hate tha he's hurting so much, but he's not the one who needs to grovel, Clem's right about that. Don't know what you have planned for the weddding here, I just want her to be as miserable as she can be. Thanks for another great chapter.
Well, in that case, I don't think I will fail you in the next chapter. Thanks :D

03/24/2007 05:58 am
failure to communicate, something at which these two excel. very good read, thank you.
Oh no worries- there's more of that to come, though not in excess ;) Thanks for reviewing.

03/24/2007 02:02 am
yes. good lad, spike...good for him standing up for himself for once...i'm so glad he didn't give in to her...he wasn't overly mean to her, but he didn't let her walk all over him either...good for him...great chapter, very much looking forward to more :)
I had to find a balance somehow to all of those torture fics ;) Spike is officially paying attention to his own feelings for a change (at least in this fic). Thank you :D