Love's Bitch by Eowyn315
Chapter: Trying to Help

05/20/2007 07:17 am
Awww, poor Spike, chewed out for trying to be helpful...and in front of Xander, no less.
Yeah... he just can't win with Buffy.

04/06/2007 09:28 pm
Look what happens when I don;t read for nearly a week! 5 chappies to enjoy, well kinda enjoy since she's trying to shove Spike out of her life again, hate Jacob already, just another Richard. It's bad enough I hate the name Richard. Spike was helping her before the chip and what if the chip lasts for the next 50 years! Just hurts that she can dimiss him from her life like that after all he's done for her. guess she reallt is starting to get back to her old bitchy selfish self. Can't wait to get caught up, thanks.
Nice to see you back, Verda. I always like it when there's a lot of chapters to read, because then I don't have to wait for an update. :) Thanks for the review!

Mark Evans
04/01/2007 04:31 am
Gosh I really hate Buffy's friends. Why does Buffy need to go on a date in order to make Willow feel better about pulling her out of heaven? And why does Spike keep getting the short end of the stick? I love this story and your writing, but it's difficult for me to read, because I know things will probably get worse for Spike. Mutant Enemy loved to make him miserable.
I guess I'm just one of those people who believes in making Buffy and Spike work for their happy ending... which means they've gotta suffer first. Glad you like the story, and I hope you stick with it... because trust me, I am not ME! (uh... ME being Mutant Enemy, because obviously I am *me*)

04/01/2007 01:48 am
enjoyed the read, thank you. buffy is being buffy, a self centered b..... which is why she fit so well with her egocentric friends. willow cannot see past "i want it this way" and xander should have died with jesse.

04/01/2007 01:47 am
enjoyed the read, thank you. buffy is being buffy, a self centered b..... which is why she fit so well with her egocentric friends. willow cannot see past "i want it this way" and xander should have died with jesse.
Heh... somebody doesn't like the main characters much, huh? ;) Thanks for the review!

03/30/2007 09:02 pm
Oh I love it, I love the you guys went out patroling all the time when you were my age, ackually Spike didn't it was Angel when She was Dawns age he was trying to kill her.
Heh, I think she meant Buffy and her friends, but yeah, Spike was definitely trying to kill Buffy when she was Dawn's age. And now he's babysitting... my, how things change.

03/30/2007 06:51 pm
oh poor spike...i'm so frustrated with buffy for being so unreasonable with him, and giving xander more ammunition for his stupid comments...*sigh*...great chapter, though, i just keep getting this really bad feeling about what xander might do to mess things up for them... :( great chapter :) looking forward to more :)
Heh, I've got to keep that sense of foreboding... can't let them be too happy, or Spike wouldn't be love's bitch, now would he? ;) Thanks for the review, love!

03/30/2007 04:44 pm
Spike just couldn't stop himself. Now he is going to have to work double hard to get to spend time with Dawn now. He just proved that Willow and Xander are right. Awesome story.
Glad you like it. Think Spike can get himself back into Buffy's good graces? ;)

time of change
03/30/2007 01:15 pm
Eeep. Poor Spike. Poor. Buffy. Poor Dawn.

Xander and Willow? As the years pass, my love for them keeps getting smaller and smaller.
Heh, guess we know where your sympathies lie then!

03/30/2007 01:07 pm
Who needs enemies when you have friends like that? It's high time Dawn learned to look after herself -- it's not like she's 10 or something. Grrrr they make my blood boil. It's a shame Spike puts up with it.
That seems to be a common problem, treating Dawn like she's 10 - I do it too sometimes, when I write her! Partly because she was written younger than her age on the show, and because of the overprotectiveness that being the Key generated, Buffy never really adjusted to Dawn being a teenager.

03/30/2007 12:05 pm
Great start. You really nail Spike characterization on the head. Such fun to read. Looking forward to more.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you like it.

03/30/2007 10:43 am
Stupid Buffy. She really was off base (on the show too) with her idea of protecting Dawn all the while leaving her sister vulnerable! Spike had the right of it in teaching her a thing or two and if you touch on the canon Halloween story, she'll need it!

Buffy also needs to see hoe unalike Angelus/Spike are and that it would not be history repeating itself even if the chip were gone. That was the problem in canon too, she just didn't "see" Spike until the end when it was too late. Angel really messed up Buffy's mind.

Excellent update.

Thanks for the review! I'm not gonna use the Halloween episode in this story, but I'm sure Dawn will find some other way to get in trouble! So it'd be good for her to have some sort of training. And you're right on the money with the Angel/Spike thing - hopefully this Buffy will get a clue before Spike's, you know, dying.

03/30/2007 09:16 am
Xander really ticked me off at the end of this chapter. Dawn really should learn to take care of herself because she can't have a bodyguard 24/7 for the rest of her life. However, Spike should have asked Buffy first, but knowing Dawn, she probably talked him into it.

Great chapter and I'm looking forward to more.
I think Buffy's kind of in denial about Dawn being independent. There's really no long-term plan for keeping her safe - in Buffy's mind, she'll just never grow up and always be protected by Buffy and/or Spike. Which is unrealistic, and something Buffy should think about - but probably not something Spike and Dawn should take into their own hands.

03/30/2007 07:13 am
It seems like everyone is going with the old "easier to get forgiveness than permission" idea. It might work for Xander and Willow, but it certainly won't for Spike and Dawn.
Hmm... you've hit on a pretty good (if unintentional) theme. And you're right, some people get forgiveness from Buffy a lot quicker than others.

03/30/2007 06:27 am
He's right....can't keep the little girl a little girl forever. And she *should* get some self-defense training, because just being Buffy's sister makes her a target even if she never leaves the house! And what about when she goes off to college.....
College? I don't think Buffy's looking that far ahead. She's still adjusting to Dawn being in high school. :) Poor Dawn will probably end up at UC Sunnydale, living at home with her crazy sister.

03/30/2007 04:47 am
Spike's right . Dawn does need to know how to defend herself.Evenif there weren't the usual human evils then the supernatural pose a threat. Afterall , look how many bad guys know who Buffy is and where she lives.
Yeah, Buffy's too overprotective of Dawn to really see the value of teaching her how to defend herself. Plus, why bother when she has a superpowered babysitter at her beck and call?

03/30/2007 04:16 am
Great chapter. I loved the Disco Vamp, also, Buffy's reaction to Home Depot. Very cute and reminiscent of the show.

At first, I was going to tell you that I was enjoying the interaction between Buffy and Xander, but after the little comments he made about (and to) Spike, I'm going to retract that statement. Ah, Xander, every time I think I could like you...

Spike's protectiveness of Dawn is touching and also completely in canon. One of the things I hated most about the show was how it completely dropped the Spike/Dawn friendship after early season six. I loved their chemistry, the way Spike tried to behave all "big brother" around her. Nice to see you picking up the ball that the BtVS writers dropped.

Now...more! Soon! :P
Thanks, love! You know that's so totally me in Home Depot... Man, I was trying so hard for sympathetic Xander, but he just has to snark, I can't stop him. My goal, though, is to make him more likable without totally eliminating the animosity between him and Spike (since that's such a huge part of his character). And I love love love Spike and Dawn - so there will be plenty more of those two coming up.