Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: To Be What She Needs

04/15/2007 08:46 am
Just started reading this story, and the ones that came before. Have to say, I love it! Very inventive, imaginative, and tender. Spike's reaction to how long he was gone was very convincing, much more so than what they did on the show with Angel. You've made your own world with them, and its great. Can't wait to see more.
Thank you, that means so much. :D It's hard to create OCs that don't overpower the ones we've grown to love... Do not want to have a Mary Sue...but I'm trying to make them believable.

I also thought that the people over at ATS in season 5 glossed over and minimized Spike and his experience in "Hell." That just made me mad. Hope you enjoy where I take this story and will take the journey with me. :)

04/07/2007 07:04 am
liam must have received his own soul back when he became human. he is worse than angelus. very good read, thank you.
Liam is kinda clueless, isn't he? Not that far removed from Angel, IMO.

04/06/2007 05:03 am
WOW~! Great chapter! I just want to SMACK Liam! Please let SOMEONE smack him!

its all clearing up GREAT CHAPTER!
I'm glad it's making more sense. Do you think slapping Liam would really help? 'Cause I'll do it...;)

04/06/2007 04:38 am
So sad!!!!
I know! Thanks for reading, anyway.

Miss Rose
04/06/2007 03:02 am
:( Poor Joni! :( Poor Spike! This new development in their relationship is so sad. :wah: Looks like Spike is gonna really have to work hard to regain Joni's trust... but I have faith in him.
Buffy's talk with Liam was eye-opening, can't wait to hear how he answers her question. Great chapter.
But, will Liam answer it? Or will he just create more? I don't really know if Spike can gain her trust...Joni is the future Slayer. It's kinda hard to kill things that look like the one that took care of you and loved and protected you. But I know he's gonna go down tryin'!