Love's Bitch by Eowyn315
Chapter: Sunset

04/08/2007 09:28 pm
Jacob ssems nice, but as I've said earlier, I prefer Buffy with Spike.
I think we all do, Inzey. Don't worry, I'm getting there...

04/08/2007 01:46 pm
I suppose this is a kinder way of 'using' Spike - at least she's not giving him false hope. I think he deserves a little kindness from someone, though, just as much as Buffy deserves some normal happiness. Thank god he's got something nasty to smack down!
Well, he can get some kindness from Dawn, at least. But it's not the same as having Buffy.

04/07/2007 06:12 pm
happy to see spike "wallowing" cut short by something he can hit. thanks for the fine read. (somehow? left the review for 7 on six. and i cannot blame the computer or the scotch. need a scapegoat.)
Heh, thanks for the review... wherever it may end up!

Mark Evans
04/07/2007 10:00 am
Thank you for another great chapter! I'm a Spuffy lover all the way, but I do think Buffy deserves a bit of happiness, even if it comes from something as simple as a nice date with a nice guy. But I don't see why Spike continues to punish himself. Yeah Buffy's dumb, but Spike's just as bad. Clearly Buffy isn't ready to go there with Spike, at the very least he needs to give her some space. Give himself some space, so that he can remember who he is. It's like he's defined himself solely on his love for Buffy. It's not healthy to place your entire being into one person. Especially if said person doesn't even share your feelings.
I think Buffy really needs a nice time with a normal guy. So far in her life, normal guys have run away from her, and she probably feels like she can only attract freaks (remember her reaction to Spike - "something about me must have made him go 'woof, that's the one for me'"). So it hard to see her being happy with Spike until she realizes that there's nothing wrong with her.

As for Spike, well, he is love's bitch. How long did he torture himself trying to be with Drusilla, when she wasn't faithful to him? He *has* defined himself solely on his love for Buffy, because he's made her his conscience. That's one reason I think the soul was important - to give him independence from Buffy. He didn't need to look to her for right and wrong, he could trust himself to choose.

Well, that was a longer reply than it probably needed to be, lol. Thanks for the thought-provoking review! You brought up a lot of interesting points.

04/06/2007 10:14 pm
Once he gets rid of the demon, he needs a change of scenery. He's not her brother, she's got the witches and Xander to watch Dawn, he needs to get out of there before it does make him crazy. I was hoping Jacob was a demon something like Cathy but I guess not. Somethings going on though since this is the second attack at her house. Hope something nasty takes a bite out of her, stupid Buffy. Well all caught up sweetie, thanks for all the updates. If Buffy doesn't change her mind soon about Spike I hope you let him move on too.
Thanks for all the reviews, even though it's difficult for a Spuffy lover to read. And sorry - Jacob's not a demon. :) Just a nice guy.

04/06/2007 08:11 pm
oh no!!!! hope spike can protect the two of them!!! and i gotta hand it to jacob, dinner *and* the sunset combined? *very* nice it, pet, very much looking forward to more :)
Jacob's a class act, isn't he? ;) And I wouldn't worry about Spike... he's scrappy, he always pulls through. Glad you enjoyed it, love!

04/06/2007 07:44 pm
I really like the gentle pacing of this story...even though you might change the pacing later, of course. You're giving us time to really get to know your characters, to feel what they're feeling. I know that when Spuffiness finally ensues, it will be genuine and earned. Please update soon!
I'm glad you appreciate the pace. Sometimes I feel like it's too slow (even I wanna say, "Oh just get it together already!") but Mr. Muse still has more story to tell before that happens. :)

04/06/2007 06:57 pm
SO - Jacob is the decoy, sent to lure the Slayer away while demons attack Dawn? Willow just unwittingly assisted in the plot by setting them up!
Hmmm, interesting theory. So for those keeping score, we now have two votes for evil Jacob being part of a set-up.

04/06/2007 06:24 pm
Whoa! Didn't see that coming. Kinda the whole point of bursting through the door,I guess, though. :D
This is coming along nicely - so real that Buffy is enjoying a date with a nice guy, and Spike is hurt. At least she realizes that she's hurting him now. That's a step in the right direction.
Thanks for the review! Was kinda going for the element of surprise with the demon there. Glad it worked.

04/06/2007 05:21 pm
I can't be mad at Buff especially considering the depression she came from in the last story. She just wants some happiness and Jacob seems like a good guy. I liked his joke. Maybe he's the calm she needs right now. The calm before the storm that is. With Spike being the storm. Not storm in the negative sense, but with their love being whirlwind...chaotic...massive...undeniable.
Thanks for the review! I think Spike *is* a storm - and maybe not all in the positive sense. Even if Buffy were to completely accept her feelings for Spike, it'd still be a rocky road, just because of who they are.

Tristan Charron
04/06/2007 03:10 pm
" She was going to have to do something about that. Make him not in love with her or something. She couldn’t have him just hanging around like a ticking time bomb, waiting for him to explode in some freak display of obsession and lust like the cattle prod and chains episode last year."

Hee! That's so Buffy-ish. I could totally have seen her saying something like that on the show. I'm very torn between liking Jacob and feeling massively bad for Spike :) Hope the demon doesn't give him too much trouble...
Heh, glad you liked the line. And if you're feeling conflicted... well, then my work here is done. :)

04/06/2007 01:38 pm
So the demon at the summers house again, I wonder if Jacob has something to do with it, last time she was out with him, one showed up there as well.
Hmm... that's an interesting thought. Very interesting, indeed. :)

time of change
04/06/2007 01:17 pm
I love this. The characters are so well drawn, and I love that you make Jacob so decent. It's easy to write a story where Buffy dates a total loser and turns to Spike, but realizing that she love Spike despite going out with another decent guy...that's so much harder and yet so much more rewarding for your readers! I so look forward to each chapter.
Thanks! You pretty much hit it on the head - if I do anything, it's make things "harder but more rewarding" - at least that's my goal. Buffy and Spike shouldn't be easy to get together.

04/06/2007 12:00 pm
Awwwww! Poor Spike! :( lol I like it that he tried to drown his sorrows with the classic girly ice cream routine :P haha I'm trying to hate Buffy's date, but he's sounding like such a sweetie pie, you're making it hard to not like him!! lol Still holding out for the fantastic Spuffy ending you promised tho!! lol :) great update!
Mwahaha, then my evil plan is working. I want you to be as conflicted as Buffy when she has to choose. Oh, and - I did promise Spuffy, but I never said it'd be at the end.... *evil grin*

04/06/2007 11:04 am
Huge hulking demon right on cue *G*....THIS is Buffy's life.

So sad that her only real "epiphany" was to worry that Spike would go off on her again if she didn't find a way to get him to stop loving her! It would serve her sooooooo right to have Spike REALLY look like he was moving on (or moving away). God she was an idiot, wasn't she?
Buffy still needs a few more epiphanies before she really understands Spike, lol. But as much as it'd be fun to see her jealous, I just don't see Spike being with another woman enough to do that - Buffy'd have to *really* piss him off...

04/06/2007 10:33 am
Another demon? Did someone hire a hit?

Dang it, why do you have to make the guy all nice and sweet? And Buffy's a total bitch in denial - "Make Spike fall out of love with her"? What a mean thought!!! What a selfish bitch, thinking only about her "convenience", while her "friend" is hurting like mad from her behavior. Poor Spike....
I think part of Buffy's problem is that she doesn't really understand Spike's feelings for her. She's come a long way since Crush, when she was denying that he could love and that his feelings for her are real - but she's still somewhat afraid to let him love her.

04/06/2007 07:10 am
Love your story! Please write more soon! Thanks!
Thanks for the review! Glad you like it.

04/06/2007 06:54 am
Such a good story. happy sigh. Poor cut to ribbons Spike. sad sigh. That's why I love this fic. Sends my emotions running all over the place. I don't like Jacob. Partially because he's not Spike (lol) but also a little cause I don't see any real personality, but you probably just haven't gotten there yet. Will await next update impatiently.
Thanks for the review! Jacob's personality is mostly just "nice and sweet" - which is kinda the one thing Buffy tends to lack in her boyfriends. The longer he stays, the more personality he'll get (but no guarantees on how long that'll be).

04/06/2007 06:18 am
This fic is really well-written, but it is also so darned depressing. It's my standard reaction to fics in which I'm persuaded that Buffy really, truly does not love Spike and am invited to watch Spike suffer through it. I'll be interested to see how you bring things forward -- I'm sure you have something up your sleeve...just wish I could figure out what it might be! Good on you, BTW, for making Jacob a perfectly good guy. Makes it all the more painful, of course, but in a good kind of way.
Sorry to depress you! But fear not - I don't think Buffy "really, truly doesn't love Spike" - whether Buffy knows that is a different story, of course... It may take some convincing. ;)

04/06/2007 06:16 am
Buffy really is dense . Spike can't just fall out of love because it messes with her worldview. And it's cruel for her to have him babysit while she's on a date.
Well, it was actually Dawn who asked him to baby-sit. If it were up to Buffy, she'd probably have asked Willow or Tara. And perhaps the reason Dawn did it (aside from the fact that she just likes Spike) is so Spike wouldn't be alone while Buffy was on her date...

04/06/2007 06:07 am
1.) Buffy is an idiot. As nice as Jacob sounds, it feels like she's just settling for him because he's "safe."

2.) Poor Spike. :sigh: Not only is Buffy breaking his heart, but now he's got a demon in the house.

I'm also betting Buffy will try to find a way to blame him for this as well. :sigh: Prove me wrong...please.
I think, at this point, it's too early in the relationship to say Buffy's "settling." I mean, they've only been on two dates, that's hardly enough time to tell if you really like someone. The fact that he's "safe" (and do we know that he is??) is probably appealing, but if they were to get into something more serious, I think it would be for more reasons than just that.

04/06/2007 06:05 am
Well, you already know I think it's great. But I thought I would tell you again. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to kill off Jacob. I know, I know. You're going to say he's a nice guy, and he is. But he's also the guy standing between Spike and happiness, therefore he must be destroyed. :evil:
Thanks, UB. As you know, I am a review whore, so you can tell me you love it as many times as you like! ;) BTW, you literally made me laugh out loud with your request to kill Jacob. Does this mean I should be on the lookout for editorial changes of that nature? ;)

04/06/2007 05:57 am
It's an interesting change to see a story where the Spike rival actually seems to be a nice guy, instead of having some obvious fault that Buffy is too dumb/determined/obstinant to see.
Thanks... I think, her dating history notwithstanding, Buffy is actually capable of attracting nice, normal guys. And I think it means more if Buffy chooses Spike over someone actually worthy, rather than someone who's a jerk. What does it say about Spike if the only criterion for choosing him is "not an asshole"? I mean, honestly, I'd rather date a season 2 Spike that was actively trying to kill me than date Riley... but that's not really a ringing endorsement for Spike, you know?