Possession by icemink
Chapter: The Challenge

04/17/2007 03:50 pm
Spike really is clueless. At this rate everyone is going to know about Buffy's feelings for him before he does. Why doesn't he make a move, since clearly he's interested as well? It will be interesting to see Buffy kick Riley's butt, not to mention the idea of him in a dress for a week. Talk about humiliation.
Spike has some excuse for his cluelessness. Remember (I know, I don't update frequently enough so it was a while ago) when he was still Buffy's slave he kept trying to sleep with her again, but she was keeping her distance.

04/13/2007 01:12 pm
Darla's right, never thought I'd say that! They do need an little tough'n tumble, Spike and Buffy I mean, it might lead to a lot of rough'n tumble! Once Riley heals, Spike needs to have a go with him go! Let the fledge knows what it's like to go up against a master, the twit. Thanks for the update, it's one of my favorites, the next one should be a whole lot of fun!
Thank you. And I think Riley will learn what it is to go up against a Master vampire sooner rather than later.

04/13/2007 02:44 am
Not that I particularly care about the Riley fight - but the aftermath might be interesting. But please, please try to update more often. This is such a fun story.
Glad you're enjoying it. Sorry about the slow updates. I actualy meant to have this posted almost a week ago but I had computer problems. And I'll be curious what you think of the fight afterwards, because it's not going to be quite how everyone assumes it will go.

04/13/2007 02:30 am
"He should have challenged you directly," darla is much sharper than previously portrayed. she is "living" up to her age. very good read, thank you.
Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it. And I think Darla has had to grow into her responsibility. After all she doesn't have either the Master or Angelus to pamper her right now.

04/12/2007 04:48 pm
oh this should be good!!! lol...i can't wait to see riley get his rear handed to him...great chapter, building up the tension and drama, and the characters as well...very much looking forward to more ;)
Thank you so much. Sufice it to say the next chapter isn't going to end well for Riley, although maybe not the way you expect.

04/12/2007 01:25 pm
Riley's in for such a surprise!
*evil laugh* Yes he is, but I think you'll be just as surprised as how the fight ends up.
Thanks for the feedback.

04/12/2007 12:09 pm
Great update. Clueless Spike *G*. Darla has Buffy figured out though. Riley in a dress is a LOL image...I'll be giggling all day.

Hope the muse sticks around and RL lets you have time to take advantage.

Thanks. Glad you liked both Spike's bet with Riley, and also the fact that he doesn't always get it.
The next chapter should be out soon. It was actually an e-mail problem on my end that kept me from getting this chapter betaed and done sooner, so the next chapter should go smoother.

04/12/2007 07:29 am
Aww...Spike reminds me of a big kid. I was estatic when I saw you updated!
LOL, yeah, Spike can be a big kid at times. Glad you enjoyed the update.

04/12/2007 06:11 am
Go, Buffy, Go!!
LOL. Think she'll win do ya? ;)

04/12/2007 05:09 am
I really do enjoy this story. The plot is so interesting. I liked The Circle. I always enjoy an update.
Thank you. I do like to throw in a surprise or too, but also keep reminding people of how the story began (because I do have a tendancy to let the plots wander a bit). Hopefully I'll have the next update in about a week or so.

04/12/2007 04:28 am
Riley's gonna get his ass kicked....
Oh, yes, that goes without saying, although I think the next chapter will surprise you anyway.