Of Light And Shadow by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Apparitions

04/16/2007 06:12 pm
spike's plan had a few flaws. hopefully he can rectify. very good update, thank you.
I hope he can too. And I hope you keep reading.

04/15/2007 02:47 am
Good chapter.Update.Aww to Spike and Buffy.Can we have some family time for Spike and Giles soon?
Thanks. Family time may be coming soon, I'm not sure though.

04/15/2007 12:44 am
Wow Wendy, that was...wow! Five years she'd been in torture. Wondering what's wrong with Giles and why would Buffy be kept there. Not sorry that she killed Althenea, she deserved it. She was going to kill Spike, just sorry it made her a killer, though she may not have been that upset about it considering what she was going to do to Spike. It couldn't of been good for the rest of them because she was a watcher. Was there a time limit on the spell? Why five years? A powerful chapter, thanks.
Thanks for saying that. Now, to answer some of your questions: The spell has no time limit, but the fact that Spike is out of "hiding" now may have something to do with the fate of the original spellcaster, Giles. Spike may be the only one who can help Buffy. We all know she can get more than a little dependent, and rightly so, when someone she cares about is hurt in any way.

And, you're right, the death of Althenea was not a good thing for Buffy, in the sense that, she became a fugitive. That, and Giles had to do something to control the Slayer entity(the Ukesolrill). What might that have been...?

04/15/2007 12:35 am
So sad......Hope they will be stronger together this time.

They're always stronger together than they would ever be apart. :)

04/14/2007 08:26 pm
seems to me like leaving wasn't the best choice in the world, after all :( hope they can manage to put all the pieces back together...excellent update, love :)
Doesn't look like it. Let's hope Spike can help Buffy piece things together...

04/14/2007 06:52 pm
OK I am alittle lost but it was still a great chapter... I dont know exactly what happened but maybe I'm not suppose to yet. can't wait for the next update!
Lost is good sometimes as this will most likely lead to you reading the next story in the series. I see that my evil scheme may have worked! ;)

Miss Rose
04/14/2007 03:24 pm
I enjoyed the Spike/Panya talk, the backstory on Spike's missing years was really interesting. I'm glad Panya was able to help Spike reunite with Buffy... loved their reunion by the way! Great chapter.
Congrats on your new wins! :)
Thanks! There will be more about the "missing years" in the next story in the series. It should be coming soon.

04/14/2007 11:26 am
Beauftifully written. And six years in hiding for Buffy -- a tragedy.
Not as long for Buffy as for Spike. But still, it is a tragedy when one gives up hope.

04/14/2007 10:02 am

Things aren't well, obviously....6 years of hiding! And Buffy gave up....

The next story will be pretty dark, eh? If it covers those years?
The years that have passed have been very dark and lonely for them both. But Buffy did do some good. The next story will cover those lost years, so yeah, it could get pretty dark.

But they're together now, so it could get better, too.