Half and half by Eternal_red
Chapter: Chapter 7

01/14/2008 12:54 pm
Oh, awesome scene; I can't wait to hear how you explain the differences in the mess that is Angel/Angelus/Liam; just love how both halves of Buffy love both halves of Spike/William, and vice versa; can't wait for more.
Just hope you believe my explanations!

04/18/2007 06:33 pm
What a hoot to find Angel divided into thirds LOL. Makes perfect sense actually. You can tell the difference too whereas Spike and William have similarities enough to blur. Yes, what a treat that the one Buffy assumed to be Angelus was really Liam. Laughing myself silly over that one. So true!!

Also loved this:Spike spoke quietly. "Zombies, pet, they won't bother us"

With a pang of sympathy for the Wolfram and Hart staff who would spend eternity cleaning up after their evil masters, Buffy brushed past the sorry assortment of once-people and caught up with the others.

Since my husband and I own and operate a commercial cleaning company I can assure you that we, like our employees, are indeed Zombies! LOL How did you ever know??? Rather like the term once-people actually. We find that we are usually invisible too BTW.

Wonderful update.
Am amazed you're still speaking to me after that Zombie dig - but am very grateful for your lovely review regardless.

04/18/2007 06:06 pm
Of course, Angel's soul was a cursed one where Spike's was his own, hence William is in tact. Poor Buffy now she gets to see the real truth about him. Good thing she's already got Spike and Angel's part of her past, but it still hurts. Nope, it's pretty clear what Liam said, potty mouth. Great update, looking forward to more of this story, thanks.
More revealed in next chapter - hope you can suspend your disbelief enough to like it. Thanks as always Verda.

04/18/2007 06:00 pm
Well, isn't Liam just a class act. Let's hope this finally puts paid to the whole Angel/Angelus are two *different* people thing.
I love being playful - hope my next chapter doesn't have you running for the hills. Thanks Nightshift.

04/18/2007 07:30 am
perhaps they can save liam and and angelus, and forget angel. at least both angelus and liam are genuine. the same cannot be said for angel. just a thought, love. fun read, thank you.
Thanks Vladt, seems we share some of the same 'issues' with Angel.

04/18/2007 01:49 am
No more illusions! Ha ha ha....
Poor Buffy the shocks just keep coming. Thanks Kim

04/17/2007 11:39 pm
lol....what a rude awakening for buffy, to see what angel was really like before...maybe it will change a few things for her as far as spike is concerned...great chapter, love ;)
So sorry not to have replied sooner. Thank you for responding like the lovely reviewer you are. Oh and I love your fic by the way.

04/17/2007 10:37 pm
Figures that Angel would have three personalities.
Great chapter.
Um three... personalities?
Thank you Inzey