Love's Bitch by Eowyn315
Chapter: Wake-Up Call

04/27/2007 01:45 am
This is the point in the story that I do wish he'd leave. Try to find some happiness, anywhere but here. He does deserve it, at least let her know that she can't use him, the way she does. Love that he was able to stand up to her just a little bit. Great chapter, thanks.
Glad you liked it! The thing about Spike is, I think it'd be hard to find happiness anywhere without Buffy. But maybe he can get her to see...

04/22/2007 11:26 am
Just wanted to say that you're doing an excellent job here in conveying Spike's anger and frustration. It's palpable. I find myself wanting to find Buffy and shake some sense into her, and intellectually I think she's actually right. (OK, and fictional. Minor point!) Great job!

I adore Spike and Buffy, but I'm not sure it's possible to write a season 6 romance that's both believable and painless. They both have too far yet to go on their journeys, and the pain is part of the refining process. But, oh it hurts right now!
Wait... Buffy's fictional? Crap... ;)

Honestly, I think it's hard to write any Spuffy that's believable and painless - that's just they way they are. Fluff can be fun, but it's not really who they are. These two do have a long journey ahead of them (and it won't be over with this story).

Thanks for the review! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Mark Evans
04/21/2007 02:19 am
Thank you for another wonderful chapter :) . Wow, Spike is so pathetic, poor thing, lol. Honestly, if Buffy doesn't have feelings for Spike, that's cool, it's whatever. But she has to see that it's not okay to use and manipulate him like that (even if he is allowing it). I think we've all been there before where someone was more into us than we were into them, but you can't take advantage of that situation. It's not good for either party involved. I hope Spike doesn't do anything rash, but we all know how Spike is, lol.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it. I think maybe Buffy *does* have feelings for Spike, and that's why she can't just let him be... but she doesn't know it yet. And Spike? *So* gonna get in trouble... it's what he does.

04/20/2007 08:16 am
Some how that last bit makes me sorta apprehensive. Can't imagine why. Spike never does anything stupid when he's emotional. Um, well...
This really isn't going to go well for him is it?
Nope... Spike has never been known to be irrational when scorned by a woman... or do anything stupid like kidnapping the Slayer's friends, or chaining her up with his ex... So, no problem, really. ;)

04/19/2007 07:25 pm
"He had to do something. He didn’t want to feel like this anymore." really hope he doesn't plan. very good read, thank you.
Ha... Spike's plans never go well, do they?

04/19/2007 05:57 pm
Poor Spike, yep he better get himself straightened up. Don't let Buffy sees him as a whipping boy. He is THE man. Sooner or later Buffy going to realize what's she going to miss.
He's the man...pire. :)

04/19/2007 04:02 pm
oh is he headed to the magic box, or is he headed to africa? :) this is getting rather interesting, love :) can't wait to see what he has in mind, what he does next....and buffy can be so self-centered, so manipulative...grrr...great chapter, love :)
Hmm... two very different possibilities. You'll just have to wait and see. ;)

04/19/2007 01:21 pm
Ooooh poor Spike. And that's an ominous ending.
Heh, I'm all about the ominous. :)

04/19/2007 11:37 am
Poor Spike! The rage, the frustration, the jealousy, the low esteem of feeling beneath Buffy.....he's in pain! And yet, there she is using his love for her and Dawn to get her way.....pffft. Who's beneath whom?

Does she NOT see how she is hurting him? I wish she had a glimmer of not only how he feels but of feeling FOR him.

Great update. Quite emotional.

He is in pain, but the poor boy brings it on himself. At least he's gonna do something about it now...

Thanks for the review, I'm glad you liked it!

04/19/2007 10:44 am
Nice chapter.
Thanks! :)

04/19/2007 10:21 am
Can't you stop Spike being a such a pathetic doormat? It's degrading, the way he puts up with all this crap from bitch Buffy.
Well... no. I can't help the way Spike was written on the show, and I'm keeping both him and Buffy as much in character as I can. If that's not the Spike you're looking for, there's plenty of other fics out there.

04/19/2007 05:39 am
Gonna find a spell to remove his feelings? Have to be careful with that....don't want it to ruin what he has with Dawn.

Buffy is such a big baby....
Hmmm... very true. Thanks for the review!

04/19/2007 05:04 am
Y'now it would just up the angst if Jacob did turn out to be the bad guy and Spike found out.

He'd have to find out a way to protect Dawn without them because they'd never believe him or he'd tell them and they wouldn't believe him and Dawn would get hurt and he'd blame Buffy because she was warned and still didn't prevent Dawn getting hurt.
Hmm, interesting idea... but I've been trying so hard to make Jacob *not* evil! lol

04/19/2007 04:46 am
OH I hope she comes to her senses soon.
Heh, you're certainly not the only one!

04/19/2007 04:23 am
Ack! What's he going to do? Is he going to go get his soul? What? What?? What?!?!? Wonderful chapter, thank you so much!
Soul? That'd be a radical reaction. Guess you'll have to wait and see. :) Glad you liked the chap.

04/19/2007 03:58 am
You continue to have me glued to my monitor. I suppose until the next chapter I can hope that Spike issitting their deciding to do something that will give him some distance from Buffy. Seriously -- to get him to do her bidding she pushes the jealousy issue, not caring that it will stir up a pile of bad feelings for him so long as it works to get him back to doing her bidding? I'm under the impression that you want us to feel sympathetic towards Buffy -- but like Lady Yashka said, after this chapter I'm really wanting to bash her head against a wall. This just isn't nice, and she doesn't have the excuse of being morbidly depressed and estranged from her friends. But also like LY, I agree this is your story, and that it is very well-written. So I'm enjoying it in a twisted masochistic sort of a way.
Well, as long as my readers are masochists, I guess I'm okay. :) I do actually like Buffy and don't set out to make people hate her, but it's hard to write her in character without her being at least somewhat ignorant of Spike's feelings or deliberately hurtful. I generally go for the former, thinking that's less mean, but I guess y'all don't agree. But if you're enjoying it, that's what's really important.

04/19/2007 03:00 am
Can you have him reject her? Please? Helping Dawn is very good, rejecting Buffy is even better. Buffy does not deserve him, and I so wish she could be the one with the wake-up call.

But, this is your story. And it is very very good.

Just don't mind me while I sit back, and dream of Buffy getting her head knocked into a wall.

Well, I should warn you. I'm like Joss... I take requests - and then do the opposite. :) But you can dream all you like.