Love's Bitch by Eowyn315
Chapter: Déjà Vu

05/20/2007 09:01 am
Very strong scene, there. Somehow I knew that Willow's spell would blow up a bit. I'm anxious to see what happens, if Buffy will tell the scoobies, or what Spike will do. Very nice way to build up the drama, and the tense situation.
Thanks so much, TC! Glad you enjoyed it.

04/29/2007 08:55 pm
poor poor Spike, couldn't be allowed to love someone, now...stopped from trying not to love someone, either way it is a lose/lose for Spike. What does it take to have a love for him on this earth? I am hoping for an epic scene to open Buffy eyes.
That's why we call him love's bitch. But maybe Buffy's eyes are starting to open...

04/29/2007 08:54 pm
poor poor Spike, couldn't be allowed to love someone, now...stopped from trying not to love someone, either way it is a lose/lose for Spike. What does it take to have a love for him on this earth? I am hoping a epic scene to open Buffy eyes.
Well, there's a reason he's love's bitch... but Buffy opening her eyes may not be too far off. :)

04/27/2007 02:10 am
I never even considered him using another spell, and that's why. A good way for him to have her out of his life. Let her see it for herself that she needs to leave him alone. She can't keep him on a string, at her beckon call. In a way she has used all her friends like that. Jump when the slayer says jump. She may not be a cheerleader anymore but she still has her groupies. Excellent chapter, thanks.
I think Buffy's like that because the others treated her like that - they put her on a pedestal because she was the Slayer, and treated her like she was special, the de facto leader. And Spike, to be a really good partner for her, has to challenge that, make her see him as equal. But first, he has to see himself as equal. Thanks for the review!

04/23/2007 10:53 pm
The magic was a mistake but he didn't deserve that. What an absolute bitch. Spike needs to leave now!
Well, I disagree, but thanks for reading.

04/23/2007 10:14 pm
Okay, I've noticed you've been getting some bad press for this last chapter, lol, and I wanted to put my cents in.

In the canon of the show (particularly after her return from the dead) Buffy was not a soft person. Over the course of the series we watched her have to harden herself in order to make difficult decisions. Her armor thickened even more so she could survive in a harsh world after leaving the "warm happy place" she had been in after her demise in "The Gift."

Personally, I would not read a story that claimed to pick up where "Bargaining" left off, and then portrayed Buffy as a character full of sweetness and light, and love for Spike. It just isn't realistic. She's confused; she's hurting. She wants a normal life, and she thinks she can vicariously experience one by dating a normal man. We, as the readers, know better, but for Buffy to reach that point, she must first come to terms with the fact that she needs something more in her life than yet another vulnerable loved one she must protect.

I'm not saying that Buffy isn't capable of being soft because she is. Even when sticking to the canon of the show, she is. But, in order to become soft, there must be a huge amount of character development on her part. She will have to let down the guard she put up when Angel first became Angelus in Season Two ... and that became even more pronounced when he left her in Season Three. She will have to learn to trust all over again, and that takes time.

I know I'm rambling on, but I just wanted to offer you some encouragement. I think your story is perfect both in plot and characterization. Don't change a thing, no matter what people may say. As Joss stated (and one of my own reviewers said about myself): "I don't give people what they want; I give them what they need." Right on. :)
*huggles UB* Thanks, sweetie! You make an awesome coat of armor. :) I appreciate your addition to the discussion - you're very right about Buffy's character. Thanks for the kind words, and for being an awesome, encouraging beta!

04/23/2007 04:13 pm
My heart just goes out to Spike. To have to resort to magic to get over her. And for him to finally tell Buffy to get out.... I just hope that ge gets this time to himself.
Thanks for the review... Buffy and Spike are definitely going to have some "apart" time - we'll see where that leaves them.

Mark Evans
04/23/2007 02:26 am
I love this story, and I absolutely love your writing, but I don't understand the rape comment. Yeah, I expect that Spike would feel guilty (that's what he does), but is it his fault that Buffy burst in his crypt causing him to drop the potion? His fault that she tried to help him clean it up, and therefore touched it? I even understand Buffy's instant reaction to think he'd tried to do a love spell. But rape is such a difficult word to just throw around. Especially because Spike was under a spell too. I don't think that if he hadn't have been under a spell that things would have progressed the way they did once Buffy came barging in. And the excuse that all the Scoobies barge in without knocking, they actually walk in without knocking, not slam someone's door open. Anyway, I do love this story, and I do love your writing :D .
Rape is a serious word to throw around - but they almost got themselves into a VERY serious situation. You're right, if Spike hadn't been under the spell as well, things wouldn't have happened that way. But all the things you mentioned that weren't Spike's fault wouldn't have happened if he hadn't done the spell in the first place. It was his idea - and regardless of what it was supposed to do, he's responsible for the results. It feels like there's a double standard here (and I'm not just talking about you personally) - when Willow screws up a spell, everyone is up in arms that she doesn't get taken to task. When Xander summoned Sweet, everyone was pissed that no one held him responsible. But when Buffy holds Spike accountable for the spell that he did, suddenly she's a bitch. And when Willow relies on a spell to magic her feelings away or to fix a problem, she's irresponsible and misusing magic. But when Spike gets a spell for exactly the same purpose, it's understandable because he's in so much pain.

I feel like there's a distinctive pro-Spike bias where he gets a free pass for things others get taken to task for. It's, IMO, the exact thing that people rail about on the show (where Spike is the only one who is forced to do penance for his wrongs, while everyone else gets a free pass), just with the characters reversed. I realize this is a Spuffy site, and so everyone here is a Spike fan, but it seems hypocritical to me to not hold Spike to the same standards we hold everyone else to, just because we like the character. Especially considering that Spike is a vampire, and is by definition evil - no matter how much he tries to be good, he still does bad things sometimes, and people who paint him as a martyr because he's putting up with Buffy seem to forget that.

04/23/2007 02:19 am
You know, that actually went better than I was expecting. Just shows how little faith I have in Spike's rationality I guess. And, hey, Buffy actually responded like a compasionate human being for once. Once she knew what was happening anyway. Neat. Although, Buffy being able to blame things on magic, doesn't look to good for Spuffy. The forever thing is looking more and more likely.
Thanks for the review! I admit, I'm relieved to hear you say Buffy acted compassionately. She's not a total bitch - she has trouble admitting her feelings, and she pushes people away (sometimes a little harshly) when she's afraid of getting too close. But the magic sort of forced her to face the issue, so forever might not be as far away as you think!

04/22/2007 11:02 pm
I agree that Buffy has a right to be upset here. But she's upset about something that was unintentional. Spike wasn't trying to do a love spell on her. And he sure as heck wasn't trying to rape her -- so I'm really not sure where you are coming from on that (in some of your responses). He probably shouldn't have tried an anti-love spell, but his intentions aren't misplaced. She's made it clear she has no feelings for him -- why should he want to be stuck hoping for the impossible? That's why I'm glad Spike insisted on space at the end.

Ironically, the reason I'm less sympathetic towards Buffy in this story is exactly because she is 'more mature' and handling the resurrection better. She doesn't have the excuses she had in season 6 for being so completely blind to her pattern of using Spike and disregarding his feelings. FWIW. On the show her treatment of Spike had everything to do with her negative feelings about herself, and her friends and all of that.

Anyway, one of the joys of fanfiction is seeing how different people's perspectives are on these characters. Am enjoying the fic!! Thanks much for all your work on it.
I should warn you - I've had lots of time during my computer-imposed exile (my computer was broken), so I've had plenty of time to ponder my responses. Forgive me if I ramble.

I think if they'd actually gone through with it, we'd be having a different discussion. Regardless of intent, if you have sex with someone who in their right mind would not consent - that's rape. I guarantee that Buffy would've felt raped if she woke up from the spell to find out that she'd had sex with Spike. Just because Spike wasn't malicious about it doesn't really excuse it. Back in The Hardest Thing, Spike was considered a gentleman because he wouldn't take advantage of Buffy when they were drunk. She was crawling in his lap then, too, and he said no. Not sure why we're holding him to a different standard now.

One other thing that maybe should've been pointed out at the beginning of the rape discussion - in the story itself, Spike is the one who uses the word, not Buffy. She doesn't accuse him of anything other than being a pig (before she figures things out) and of doing a love spell on her (after she knows about it). Spike's holding himself to that standard - even though he was under the spell, he still holds himself responsible, and he doesn't make excuses (he never says, "oh, I didn't realize what I was doing" - he admits he willingly forgot about the spell because he wanted to believe that Buffy felt that way).

As for Buffy's treatment of Spike - I don't see her resurrection problems as an excuse for her actions in season 6. I think she was completely out of line, even with an extra dose of forgiveness for being depressed. I think she's treating him much better in this story, and the continuing animosity arises from her denial of her feelings for him. Every time she's mean to him, it's because she's put in a situation where she has to confront feelings she's uncomfortable with, and instead of owning up to them, she runs in the opposite direction (literally and figuratively).

04/22/2007 10:35 pm
This is SO how I love my and heartbreaking at the same time. And I love Spike like this too, all tortured and intense. He truly is love's bitch. Awesome chapter!
Hehe, thanks! That's really how Spuffy should be - hot and heartbreaking. Two incredibly screwed up superheroes crashing into each other. :)

04/22/2007 07:15 pm
“No, you kissed me. Maybe that means something to you, but all it means to me is that you’re a pig.”

Harsh Line but reads like one of those "truths" that speak to deep emotional feelings, whether of denial her own desires or her true feelings about Spike; stuff that needs to be cleared away before she can make some good and mature choice. Like your second view of this episode from the series.

I like your Spike and I hope that you will explore some ways of his dealing with his emotional needs aside from how he is tangled in his Love's Bitch Net -

Hope we get an explanation scene for the total opposite effects from the spells intended results.

Like your treatment of Buffy's resurrection, if feels like I am seeing a Buffy that has more "life experience" and more mature - even with all the drinking to escape her pain and her "playing at death's door," she still feels like a more mature woman. Don't know if you intended this, but that is how she comes across for me. Accept for this last spell scene, where I feel like I am seeing "bitchy buffy's" ugle head again.
Thanks for the review! I appreciate all the awesome feedback. I think Buffy's into some hardcore denial - when she calls him a pig, she doesn't even know it was a spell, so she's seriously denying being attracted to him, despite getting caught with her hand down his pants, without an explanation. :)

Part of it comes from her wondering how she could have acted so out of character, but the other part is frightened that she really does have those feelings and doesn't know how to deal.

I did want Buffy to be a little bit more mature than on the show, and she handled the resurrection a little better, conquering her death wish, so that's having an effect.

04/22/2007 05:12 pm
Yes.....I wonder if Spike will head to Africa now to gain control (a soul) and if Buffy will start to realize what a dolt she has been. Leave it to her to blame it ALL on Spike and be hateful.

Excellent update. Poor Spike no wonder he distrusts magic so much!

Hmmm, you're not the first person to mention Africa. What makes y'all think I'll give him a soul? ;)

And while Buffy's reaction may have been harsh, I do think she's right in blaming Spike. It was his spell, and he let it get out of control.

Thanks for the review, Kathleen!

04/22/2007 04:25 pm
Why does everyone go to Willow for their spells? Every time she creates or modifies one it goes drastically wrong. I'd go to Tara, or possibly Giles or Anya.
Heh, well, me personally? I wanted the deja vu moment between her and Spike. I doubt Spike would've felt comfortable asking for this kind of spell from Giles or Anya, but he could've gone to Tara.

04/22/2007 02:30 pm
OH no that is not good, so if its and anti what when they both got it on them were they in love, did Willow do the wrong spell.
More please.
There were a few things that could've made it go wrong, where they didn't follow directions exactly (the microwave, and getting it on their hands instead of Spike drinking it like he was supposed to). Thanks for the review!

04/22/2007 01:08 pm
Great chapter.
Figures Buffy would think Spike would do a spell to make her fall in love with him.
Well, given the evidence - Spike did a spell, and Buffy *was* in love with him - it's a logical conclusion. Thanks for the review!

04/22/2007 11:39 am
Oh man, this story just keeps sucking me farther and farther in!

The anti-love spell is *so* a Spike type of thing to do. You've captured his impulsiveness and lack of attention to detail beautifully-- Poor Spike!

Much as I currently want to smack Buffy, I do think she's justified in being angry at being manipulated that way by a spell. Ouch.

It all leads to an interesting place though-- the crisis just came earlier than in canon, and in a more forgivable format. **admires plotty goodness**

Anxious to see where you take this one next!
You know, the spell really is a Spike thing to do. Despite his insistence that he doesn't trust magic, we keep seeing him turn to it when he's desperate (the ritual to heal Dru, the love spell for Dru).

You don't know how glad I am to hear you say Buffy is justified! No matter what happens, I can't seem to get people to sympathize with Buffy, but I feel like here, it really is Spike's fault, and people are just too forgiving because we all love Spike.

Thank you for the review - glad you liked the "plotty goodness!" :)

04/22/2007 11:26 am
i really live your story!it´s wonderful! hope you´ll update soon...can´t wait to read the next amazing chapter!

MOa from Germany
Thanks for the review, MOa! I'm glad you like it.

Mark Evans
04/22/2007 07:42 am
Wow, poor Spike. I'm so tired of saying that, lol. And what the hell went wrong with Willow's spell? Spike definitely should have known better :) . It's so clear that he's desperate not to feel the way that he does about Buffy, but it's not easy to fall out of love with someone, especially if they're constantly in your face. I just don't know what to do with these two. Buffy's obviously not ready to love Spike, and he's not ready to ever move on. It's like they're at a stalemate. This is such a great story, and I'm curious to see where you're going with this. I just don't see how things can be fixed.
Yeah, that's the main reason why Spike kicked her out at the end - not because she was bitchy (because he was feeling guilty so he probably thought he deserved it), but because he needs distance from her if he's ever going to get over her. No guarantees it'll work, but he can try. :) Thanks for the review!

04/22/2007 06:27 am
Yep, ditto to what DOS said. Lovely update ;)
Thanks for the review.

04/22/2007 05:20 am
man...that was intensely emotional....poor spike, it so wasn't his fault...and buffy took that totally wrong...i'm glad he kicked her out though, because she was so hateful about it...great chapter, looking forward to more :)
Hmm, I disagree. I think it was Spike's fault - the anti-love spell was his idea, he did it wrong (which, okay, because he dropped it), and he almost raped Buffy in the process. I think she has every right to be pissed.

04/22/2007 03:13 am
Yeah, he can just! His house, and he can have whomever the hell he wants in it!

Okay, now that that's out....;)

Okay, so how did an anti-love spell suddenly kick them into massive lust? Did Willow not understand the words properly again? Cuz other than the microwaving, that was about to go right....

And where the hell does Buffy get off busting through his door without knocking when they're supposed to be friends? She keeps calling him her friend, then keeps treating him like this?

I hope Spike leaves least for a while. Buffy's too stubborn, and all this is giving him is pain. It's just torture.
Well, there's the microwaving, and also that the potion was supposed to be ingested (by one person), but instead it got on both their hands.

And, you know, on this show, everyone busts through everyone's door without knocking. They're quite an impolite bunch. Have you ever seen anyone knock at Giles' apartment (except, oddly, Spike)? lol

04/22/2007 03:01 am
You know, I am all for the Spuffy, but right now? I want so badly to slap Buffy around the head. *takes a deep breath*

Thanks for the review.

04/22/2007 02:37 am
Poor Spike. While I understand Buffy's reaction over what she first thought was a love spell, she really needs to pull her head out of her ass. It's like Buffy thinks it's prefectly alright to run to Spike when she needs something, and then tell him he has no place in her life when she doesn't.

:sigh: I hope Buffy feels really guilty, and gets a taste of her own medicine.

Wonderful update, by the way. I really do love this story, and I'm looking forward to the next update.
I don't think she's ever told him he has no place in her life (at least, not in my story, she probably did on the show...). I'm kinda surprised you think she should feel really guilty - yeah, the "I will never love you" is harsh, but she's the one who almost had sex against her will.

Thanks for the review - it's reassuring to hear you still like it, lol.