The Last Storm by TwilightDreams
Chapter: Captured

04/29/2007 12:09 am
Yikes!!! A timely wake-up for Spike. What will he do???
we'll see :)

04/28/2007 09:06 pm
Spike the Protector to the rescue! I love your writing DoS, but I'm particularly fond of the way you build suspense and leave the reader biting their nails or cheering or crying or some other strong emotional response. No one ends a chapter quite like DoS :)
thanx so much, love, such kind words, you're so encouraging :) glad you enjoyed the chapter, love :)

04/28/2007 08:50 pm
Oh yes, Spike might be broken enough to not fight for himself any longer....but for a Slayer????? Siron is in for a surprise I think.

As scary as it is for the girl, I am glad someone knows about Spike now (including his name). If Melinda gets free she will tell and then help will come.


yeah, he certainly is...and this might give spike what he needs to actually stand up for himself...thanx, love :)

04/28/2007 08:03 pm
i had to go an mention that i liked melinda. good chapter, thank you.
thanx, love :P glad you liked the chapter...not telling what will happen, though :)

04/28/2007 10:37 am
I loved that piece and I'm relieved that Spike's not so broken, 'cos I was afraid that he was! And I like Melinda very much, she's got some spark in her.
yeah, he's pretty broken, but he's still got a little bit of himself left, and he doesn't want to see a slayer enslaved... :( thanx, love :)

04/28/2007 06:39 am
You're trying to cliffhang us to death , aren't you? always :)

04/28/2007 06:18 am
Ohhhh noes!