For Whom The Bell Tolls by LadyYashka
Chapter: Part 1.7

05/10/2007 09:21 pm

05/10/2007 06:09 pm
ITA RL and how it can take over and delay updates (guilty as charged here). This was definitely worth the wait. Excellent and original still compelling.

Thank you! Yeah, real life can be a pain. I'm glad you still like it, and thanks for the review. :)

05/10/2007 07:00 am
love this. keep it up when you can.
Thank you and I certianly will. :)

05/10/2007 06:29 am
very good read, thank you. hope einarr does share some tales.
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. :) As for Einarr's stories, you'll have to wait and see. :P

05/10/2007 01:59 am
Angel is so clueless, and self-important, he needed to be taken down a few notches. I like the friendship between Spike and Einarr. I have a feeling Einarr will be a very loyal friend, and that is just what Spike needs, especially when Angel meets up with him again. I love this fic, I can't wait for more :)
Thank you Lis. :)

I always felt Spike could have used some friends. I'm just glad I could give him some. And knocking Angel down a few notches was fun. :D

Hopefully I'll have some more up soon.

05/09/2007 03:54 pm
great chapter
Thank you. :)

05/09/2007 03:20 pm
This story is absolutely fantastic. I can clearly see the loans of other great stories in here, but it is very graciously interwoven with our Buffyverse, without even trying to hide it. Very well done, can´t wait for the next chapters. Please go on soon.
Thank you! :) I'm so glad you like it. I should have more soon. Again, thank you for the lovely review. :)

05/09/2007 01:42 pm
Woohoo, published. :)
Yep. :) I finally stopped tinkering with it. :P