Half and half by Eternal_red
Chapter: Chapter 8

01/14/2008 01:04 pm
Great explaination for Angel's personality; also loved that it was William's soul that Buffy fell in love with; fantastic! Only two chapters left to read! :( Sob!
Now don't cry - you'll make me feel all guilty

07/18/2007 06:53 pm
What a fantastic revelation about Angel's first soul and those that followed. It made sense that Liam's soul couldn't keep Angelus at bay and now William/Spike know that they were meant to be with Buffy from the beginning, love it! Leave it to Harmony to think it was a party, great work, now to find out what's happened to Dawn and Fred and if Dawn was seperated from the Key. Really enjoying this, hope you can update again soon. Thanks for sharing this fantastic tale.
Wanted it to be William's all along but had to try and justify all the stupid things Angel did without blaming our beloved hero too much. I find that I can't be too cruel to Harmony but she is so easy to make fun of. Thank you Verda.

07/09/2007 09:21 pm
very original take here... i'm really loving this story! can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks veronica am trying to come up with something new - but really they're just trapped in a big old haunted house with a touch of Jekyll and Hyde thrown in.

06/01/2007 10:11 am
Why do I think meeting 'separated into her component pieces' Dawn is going to be extremely interesting? Eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Hope I don't disappoint you too much when I get to Dawn in the next chapter, which, shock, gasp, I have finally posted.

05/30/2007 11:21 pm
oh no...that worries me about dawnie...what if *she* was separated into her parts? though i suppose it wouldn't make much difference but to just make her not the key...right? hmmm....
as for the deal with angel's soul, very interesting and original take on the subject :) great job, love :)
Thanks as always DreamsofSpike and glad you liked the soul thing. As you'll see in my next chapter my idea of half and half has become a little flexible - but then I did cut Angel into thirds (if not fourths).

05/30/2007 06:45 pm
Nice. Your convolutions are wonderful.
The new soul didn't love Buffy, so he could go to LA and do his own thing.
SO cool.
I'm hoping Fred got Dawn into the science lab and turned off the cameras.
Thanks BT_ am hoping my convolutions don't leave me tied up in knots before the end of the fic.

05/30/2007 04:07 am
love the chapter. And it was so eye opening with William's soul being the first to be bound to Angelus. They have worked through that thus far, but now I am scared for Dawn.
Dawn's a feisty little thing but yes its time to give her some attention too. Thanks for the soul comment too.

05/30/2007 03:49 am
very, very good read, thank you. very evil chapter ending, thanks for that also.
Glad you're still enjoying it. Can't help ending on cliffhangers, they just seem to appear. Wouldn't mind but when other authors do it to me I just jump up and down in frustration.

05/30/2007 03:05 am
Oh oh! Is there a green blob of energy out there somewhere slamming doors!?!?

Lovely update. Never saw that idea about Angel's first ensouling (although the idea of it being a different soul than Liam's is one I've entertained as well). Whew! That was quite a bomb to drop on William and Buffy!

Slamming doors isn't in her best interests right now, but you're right about the green energy. Glad you liked the soul twist in the plot, had to think up a damned good reason why Buffy could have fallen for Angel in the first place. As ever, thank you Kathleen.

05/30/2007 12:09 am
Well....that's an interesting revelation.

Aww, our rescuers have a full plate....I think Fred and Dawn are probably making a good team, though.
Thanks Kim - hope my next chapter answers some of your questions.