Origins: Revelations by Niamh
Chapter: Just like heaven

03/11/2012 06:01 am
Lots of hard stuff happens in this one... very well done... another gripping epic that kept me from the rest of my life...  Sorry that Casey died, but there's real consequences to horrid stuff.  Was sad that Angel had to die, but there wasn't really a way back from the things he did. 

I'm very intrigued with the way you've put Jenner and Faith together... hope to see how that grows... do hope he'll allow her to feel a bit more control, however, as developing trust in the untrusting usually isn't accomplished by taking away their control when they're still skittish.  that I found a bit disturbing, but I don't expect their relationship to be like Spike and Buffy...  Love Faith, however, so I am kind of hoping she'll play some role in the next parts of this tale. 

Not sure why, but when i display whole story, a lot of the last several chapters show up in italic and bold... which is very hard to read for long stretches.  Not sure whether the problem occurs in single chapter mode, as I didn't try it.



04/15/2011 02:00 am
Text I have spent the last few days lost in the world of Origins and have loved every moment. A blissful suspension of reality! Thank you.

09/26/2010 03:09 am
AWESOME STORY  I spent all day reading it. Origins was awesome as well/ I sure wish the series had gone more like this. Thank You

01/04/2008 07:06 pm
such a pleasure to read this again a second time -

09/13/2007 05:14 pm
Great! Just - great! I managed to read it in two days. Can't wait for the sequel

08/14/2007 10:55 am
Wonderful tale - thank you for bring this work for us to enjoy - Loved It -

07/25/2007 10:23 pm
Loved this story! Can't wait to read the sequel.

07/13/2007 02:42 am

06/26/2007 06:16 am
Awww there are two of them. I'm not usually into baby fic but this one got me :)

LOVE the interaction of Faith and Jenner. And everyone else. I'm so glad you've decided to make another book. I'd miss this take on these characters so much.

Thanks for all your hard work

06/21/2007 04:03 am
FOR STARTERS SPOILER ALERTS THROUGHOUT THIS REVIEW. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE STORY YET, DON'T READ THIS REVIEW!! Origins was the most perfect story i have read in my years of fanfic reading. I loved it so much. as not a fan of WIPS, i've been tracking Origins: Revelations for almost a year and when i finally saw it was done i was overjoyed. I started reading June 13 and finished this morning, June 20. What an epic - and the sheer size of this story is astounding - over 700 pages. I love this story so much. i considered writing here to say i was starting the story and what i hoped to find, but quickly got absorbed in the story. YES, YES please continue on with this story. There is so much more that i want to see. I want to know what happens when Willow sees everybody, I want to see what happens with Xander - will he shit or get off the pot? I loved the pairing of Anya and Giles, you wrote them wonderfully. I also truly enjoyed the little bit we got to see of Faith and Jenner - it was good to see how Faith had matured and also showed her vulnerability. Tara and Oz - just a great pairing. Loved when Oz realized that Tara was Pack! I of course loved the way you had Dawn be Buffy and Spike's daughter. Was so very very happy when Spike finally put an end to Angel. There could have been more of a big deal made of that, but they were still in the thick of the crisis, so i can deal with that minor disappointment. and of course, Drusilla is still out there, so i'd love to see what you do about her. Just the repercussions of Angel's death and Drusilla's survival are things that i want to know what happened. There aren't even words enough to tell you how beautifully you write Buffy and Spike and how you portray their relationship. This fictitious relationship has provided me with much healing and given me an idea of how real, true love works. it's a beautiful thing. OOO and it was pretty nifty with Wesley being so attracted to Dawn - love to see where that would go - although i'm sure Spike and Buffy would not be happy about the age difference. I do wish that Willow had gotten way more in the way of payback, but i might just be a vindictive bitch! It is so chilling to read this Willow and how unfeeling she really was. HOw she played God without a thought and she was so far gone that she was threatening Tara. And she was still even being an angry, power mad sort when she was in the Otherworld. So i would like to see a continuation of her suffering and also know what future Kristen came back to prevent - the hints about Spike's reaction to Dawn's loss were intriguing. And don't want to forget Cordelia and her horrible suffering at the hands of Angelus. I have to say again i'm so glad it was Spike that got to put an end to Angelus - he is truly the very definition of evil, just causing pain and horror for its' own sake. Spike got to literally kick his brains out - go Spike (this is only fictional bloodlust; i would never cheer a person being killed like that!) You are simply a great writer. The time that you take to compile your quotes for each chapter has me in awe of your brains and wondering where you come up with them - is it all stuff that is already in your brain or is there some handy, dandy website where you can pull up appropriate quotes for any subject? No - don't tell me if there is, it doesn't matter. I think i could go on and on, but i think i'll stop now. thank you thank you so very much for sharing this beautiful saga with us. And i think it's really cool that your sons acted out a battle for you - that's just awesome. Love this story very much. Thank you for just being you Niamh! XOXOXO

06/18/2007 03:10 pm
Awesome fic. One of the best Spuffy fics I've ever read. Love how you made Dawn, Spike and Buffy's daughter, and them raising Connor.

sister cuervo
06/15/2007 06:36 pm
Ah! Fabulous ending to a great saga! Well worth re-reading. Definately hoping for Part 3 and a continuation of this 'verse. Intriguing bits leave lots of room for new stories to grow.
Excellent work and well deserving of winning many awards.

06/13/2007 11:44 pm
Awesome story from start to finish. A true epic piece of fiction. Wonderful!!

06/13/2007 04:35 am
I loved it! I've been reading this off and on over the past year or so waiting anxiously for the ending and now I can't wait to read the next book! Although I could've done with a little less Xander bashing, I don't really disagree with your opinion of him. Besides, you nailed Spike's character (and wouldn't we all love to do that?). There were some truly great Spike-isms in here and I could hear him speaking every line you wrote. Excellent story!

06/06/2007 03:03 pm
The perfect winding down for this epic, Faith has met her match and twins on the way for Spike and Buffy. This is one of my all-time favourites, a terrific piece of work.

06/05/2007 06:38 pm
Oh wow. This was such a wonderful story...Please write more. I'd love to see what happens with the twins, with Faith and Jenner, with Conner, and especially Willow. Thank you so much for writing this.

06/04/2007 05:35 am
barvo barvo barvo Nia..Can't wait for the sequal

06/03/2007 04:58 pm
is the 3rd part going to be posted on here?

if not could you tell me where?

06/03/2007 04:57 pm

cant wait for the 3rd part!


06/03/2007 04:11 pm
Very nice ending. So now they know there are twins, which will make it interesting since they already knew about Kirsten but she managed to not talk about her twin. I wonder how they will take the news that they have even more children to look forward to. It'll be interesting considering they have the two aged children, and now two babies to contend with. I'm glad Buffy let Connor know she was glad to have him back in any form.

I liked the interactions between Jenner and Faith. Seems like Faith is going to go with the relationship even though they both admitted feeling some fear. I think it's good for her to have someone so strong so that she can be weak when she needs to. It will be interesting to see how things develop between them in the next book.

06/03/2007 03:11 am
wonderful wrap up to a fantastic tale, thank you.

06/03/2007 12:35 am
Congratulations of finishing this second book. My mind is just boggled by anyone who has so many ideas, so much plot, so many characters running around in her head - nevermind the focus and fortitude to get them down on "paper". This entire world that you've created is a wonderful achievement and I join everyone else in looking forward to Book Three and the new adventures for these characters.

06/03/2007 12:19 am
Eeeeee!!! So happy to see this chapter, yet sad for the story to end. Luckily, you've promised that it's not, so I can be happy again.

Wonderful close to the second book. The family has fallen apart and rebuilt themselves and reached calm once again, like hte close of the first book. Very nice.

06/01/2007 10:26 pm
OH MY GOODNESS! That was so amazing. You are an awesome story teller. You follow the plot so well, and even though you are getting tired you don't just drop the story. This is great - I've read to many stories where the author has done this.
I can't wait to read the next installment. Don't let it go, although if you do decide not to go on, I thank you for ending it the way you did.
In the next one, I'd love to see more Dawn and Wesley - I think she deserves someone great and Wesley is probably best even if he is older than her.
Great Job, again!

06/01/2007 10:04 pm
"Thank you" doesn't begin to describe the gratitude I feel towards you for writing this story. It's more than awesome, greater than great...words fail me. But thank you, all the same.

06/01/2007 07:32 pm
oh wow...wasn't expecting that :) can't wait to see where you take the next book, pet, this was such a lovely, intense journey, with many unpredictable twists and turns and a lot of originality (pardon my pun :P) thanx so much for writing it, and looking forward to the next one :)

06/01/2007 05:25 pm
BRAVO! I'm so happy you are doing a third book. Love this story!

06/01/2007 04:16 pm
TWINS! Good thing Connor is grown otherwise they would be in trouble. Great ending. Can't wait until book 3.

06/01/2007 02:19 pm
wow wow wow! thank you so much for such a wonderful story! you've renewed my faith in fanfiction. i look foreward (hopefully very soon) to the next part of the story. you keep writin' and i'll keep readin'!!!

06/01/2007 01:27 pm
Twins! Aww.. I can't wait for the next book.
The whole story has been great, I love the way you write all teh characters.

06/01/2007 07:25 am
I'm so glad Faith and Jenner took a chance on each other. I've enjoyed the story and the way you told it, loved the intro quotes and the way they fit each chapter, the brush with Celtic mythology and history, and the character motivation and interactions. I'll miss the excitement of seeing an update, but am looking forward to the next section. You keep writing and I'll keep reading.

06/01/2007 07:12 am
It's been a long, lovely ride! I know I haven't been so good with the reviews...but you are one terriffic writer.

06/01/2007 06:36 am
Once again, you don't disappoint, and I didn't have to wait long for my answer. Yay me for obeing right about the twins thing! I can't wait for more! ~Amber

06/01/2007 06:17 am
I've been following this story for what seems like forever. Just amazing stuff. There is just so much to love. What a great family you've given Spike and Buffy. The kids are awesome. Hoping to see more of Kirsten and grown up Connor. Love the vampires, especially Lawson and his figuring things out as he goes along. Tara and Oz and as always hot British ex-watchers. Too much goodness to list. Thanks for crafting such an engaging story. Looking forward to the next book.

06/01/2007 06:08 am
OMG! How can you do that?! Leaving it like this! totally have me panting for the next book! Can't wait please hurry! By the way did I mention that I love this, because I SO DO!

06/01/2007 04:43 am
Twins -- that's just neat! Sorry to see this one end but happy knowing there will be a third.

06/01/2007 04:07 am
It was wonderful!!!! I'm going to go back and read the whole thing over again! Thank so you much for this wonderful tale. I look forward to reading the next installment and any other stories you would like to post. :) Blessings :)

06/01/2007 03:43 am
I loved, loved, loved it! I just can't express how talented I think you are. The amount of emotion, the sheer brilliance of your characterizations...just wonderful. I know you said in previous notes that this is another part in the story, does that mean there will be more? I know I will be one of the many to read it if more comes along.

06/01/2007 02:46 am
LOVED IT!!!!! can't wait for MORE MORE MORE!!!! Thank you!

06/01/2007 01:35 am
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!
I loved reading both books and look forward to reading the next installment when you are ready. Excellent story telling, from the start it was tough to wait for the next chapter to be posted. :)

06/01/2007 01:01 am
Okay I was so giddy this morning when I saw it over on Spuffy Realm but I was so apprehensive to read it. It was just because I know that it was the end of such a great story. So here I am, now writing you and tell you that I LOVED Jenner and Faith. Maybe she has finally found what she needs. Buffy and Connor's conversation was touching. I can't imagine how he feels being back as a teenager. And Buffy and Spike were just HOT.... And for him to find out that they were having twins... Awe.. I guess I will just have to wait until you have a break from writing and when you get the juices flowing for this great saga. But whatever you write just know that I will be there.