Dark Reflection by daniel_nieves
Chapter: Unlikely Choices

06/25/2007 02:15 am
I dont know bro. dont get me wrong Buffy has completely snapped. But shooting warren? slightly out of character? at the same time it makes for a bad-ass ending. keep it coming!!
Hey Mike, shut up and go back to work.

06/10/2007 08:33 pm
Fuckin awsome chapter. Now hurry up and write six damnit
hey Robert, glad you liked it. Try not to use the language next time.

06/09/2007 12:30 am
cannot get worked up about warrren screaming and probably dying painfully. good chapter, thank you.
glad you liked it. And hopefully when Warren dies it pleases ya.

06/08/2007 03:30 am
I really do hope that Spike can help Buffy before she goes too far. But as far as she is concerned she has nothing left. But until then, they are all going to gather the troops. Just love the chapter.

06/08/2007 03:05 am
Great story, DN. You're an excellent writer and I hope you'll keep going. Besides, we need some manly men around this henhouse. Heh heh.
And the greatness that is manliness will reply: Thanks

06/07/2007 03:28 pm
wow, buffy's getting scary...glad to see that at least spike's not alone in this, as unlikely as xander's friendship might be...looking forward to seeing where you take this :)
I really don't know to be honest. So we'll see. Thanks

06/07/2007 12:58 pm
Dark. Normally find the concept of Buffy doing anything this bad as a bit unbelievable, but Dawn's death would be just the right trigger. Really like this fic.
glad to hear it.

06/07/2007 08:06 am
There will be pain for Warren, and later much guilt for Buffy. I like the Xander and Spike interaction.
thanks Inzey. Definitely more Xander/Spike interaction in the future.

06/07/2007 08:05 am
I'm a tad disappointed in gile's reaction, though it might be he's still feeling the hangover's effects too much to rally as he normally would. I'm very hopeful that Willow and Tara get their differences ironed out, they're going to NEED all the solidarity they can get when Buffy REALLY comes unglued!

Finally, I vote that Buffy spreads Warren all over that floor of the hospital, one piece at a time :).
I'd love to see that too, hopefully I can deliver the next chapter soon.

06/07/2007 07:06 am
Oh my! Buffy gonna play surgeon, and I don-t think Warren's gonna like it :P Spike-ll probably see the poetic side to this justice though