The Fire Within by Eowyn315
Chapter: Falling Apart to Half Time

08/09/2007 05:48 am
Man, Willow is overwhelming me with her sensitivity towards Buffy. I also like how she can't seem to put on the brakes for two seconds and fully research the plan. It's got "train wreck" written all over it.
Heh... but it'll be an entertaining train wreck. Probably.

07/08/2007 01:31 am
Nicely on-cannon. I can really see how all of this could have happened on the series. Like the rollercoaster of emotions between Spike & Buffy - from passion to pain in one chapter. Fabulous writing!
Thank you! Passion and pain seem to go hand in hand when it comes to Buffy and Spike, don't they?

06/20/2007 07:18 pm
Oooh! More of this story-- cool!

I do feel for Spike in this chapter, but it's kind of hard to blame Buffy too much. After all, it has only been four days! Not knowing herself what she feels seems very realistic to me. Stories where Buffy does know exactly how she feels about Spike-- especially season 6 stories-- usually don't ring true to me. Buffy is in too much emotional turmoil to know, and she needs some time. That said, good for Spike for forcing her to be honest with herself!

I'm intrigued by Willow's idea, and fascinated by the changing dynamic between Willow and Giles. It's hinted at in canon, "You rank, arrogant amature"; but it's nice to see it further developed.

And I see you have another chapter for me to read-- cool! Bring on the plotty goodness!
Yeah, I rarely make it easy for Buffy to get together with Spike. I think the musical spell definitely helps - she can't lie to Spike when she's singing, and she can't lie to herself. Plus, she knows Spike is being honest, too.

Thanks for the review!

06/16/2007 07:20 am
I don't blame him one bit for not wanting to be her "dirty little secret." I hope she soon realizes that Angel never made her feel this way, it's Spike and Spike alone. Looking forward to your next update, thanks for the wonderful story.
Yeah, I don't think Spike will last very long with the "secret lover" thing going on. Especially when there's truth-singing going on! Thanks for the reviews - I'm glad you're all caught up.

06/12/2007 11:16 pm
no singing :(
poor spike. :(
update of great story! :)
It's just the way the songs worked out - didn't really have anything that went with this scene. But don't worry, the music will be back next chapter. :)

06/11/2007 11:48 pm
Enjoying this so far a lot more than I expected. I thought the singing would make it a comedy fluffy story, but a real plot and deep emotions are coming through clearly. I love how the singing is like a truth spell, leading people to not only speak the truth but for others to hear it and know it isn't lying or posturing. I hope Spike stands up for himself, no matter how painful it is, because seeing how Buffy twisted him on the show was awful. I have a little sympathy for Buffy's plight but Spike has my backing all the way! Look forward to the conflict of the next chapter.
Heh... I don't think I'm capable of writing a fluffy story. I'm too into the plotty goodness. Glad to hear you're enjoying it!

06/11/2007 09:48 pm
I hope she doesn't break Spike's heart again. thanks for the read.
I think we all hope that. :) Thanks for the review.

06/11/2007 08:58 pm
oh poor spike....she's at least giving him more hope than she did in the show, but i'm not sure that's a good thing... :( i think she's just going to let him down again...poor thing :( buffy's making me really mad right now...great chapter, love ;)
Aww, poor doubting DoS - maybe Buffy will surprise us all. :)

06/11/2007 05:15 pm
Oh never occurred to her (on the show) that NOT loving him and continuing on as they were really spoke ill of her character. Not just making her what she would have called a ho bag (not IMHO, but hey.....her "moral code") but knowing HE loved her it made her cruel as well. Your Buffy is more in tune even if not saying it yet.

Excellent chapter....VERY Willow...consequences be damned she's going after Tara with or without their help so they'd best help out.

Yeah - I find it hard to believe, even with the heaven excuse, that Buffy let herself treat Spike that way. She's never really been the type to have sex with someone she didn't love, and using someone that loved her was really cruel. Plus - the singing helps her understand her true feelings, since she can't lie to herself. :)

06/11/2007 11:49 am
So she is going to let Spike tell them once the singing is over. I wonder what Willow will do with her storming out mad, will she recall Angel or go ahead and just do it, maybe Dark Willow is coming out to play.
Well, Buffy didn't say that exactly. Part of her wants to tell, but most of her is confused - so she thinks waiting until the singing is over will make things clearer.

06/11/2007 09:11 am
Freakin' coward! I'm glad Spike is standing up for himself. Buffy, you'll be miserable your whole life if you live it to please other people. If they really love you, they won't leave you just because they disagree, and if they do leave, then they weren't worth the time in the first place, because it was all always a lie. Nobody needs "fairweather friends".

I really like that Willow worked it out with the brain trust at A.I.
I think it's a lot easier to say that than it is for Buffy to believe - but maybe Spike can get through to her.

06/11/2007 07:20 am
good update. hopefully buffy will be able to admit her feelings to her friends, to spike, and to herself.
Well, I think the truth-telling music might help with that. :)