Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Fast Asleep

06/19/2007 02:26 am
at the end of the update, all three are, seemingly,doing better. very good read, thank you.
Let's hope they're better. Thanks for commenting.

Miss Rose
06/17/2007 06:27 am
That was so touching. :( I'm glad Joni and her Daddy are gonna be okay. :) Wonderful chapter!
Of course they're okay. They're each all the other had for eight years. Love can heal a world of hurt, and Joni loves her Daddy.

06/17/2007 06:05 am
oh man oh man oh man!!!!!! I'm kinda confused but its in a good way i think,, Great chapter!!! So touching! Can't wait for the next!!!!
Maybe this will clear things up, Joni is a little Slayer. She could be having Slayer dreams. ;)