The Last Storm by TwilightDreams
Chapter: Confusing Reunion

06/28/2007 04:05 pm
Hi time Buffy learned the truth, but will she believe Giles could be so vile? Can't wait for more.

06/28/2007 12:29 am
very interesting reunion. buffy is going to be enraged.

06/27/2007 10:15 pm
great chapter. Thanks for the read.

06/27/2007 05:57 pm
Spike is a real hero.

It's so obvious, no matter how beaten down he may seem. It took a long time to break him -and even then he was willing to risk torture for the mere chance that a Slayer could get away. Wouldn't have to be hurt.

I hope he can find happiness. It better be coming to him!

06/27/2007 05:54 pm
Revenge is a beautiful thing! I am so glad Buffy might help Spike get his at the same time of making someone pay for losing him, keeping him away from her. They so deserve to be together, especially Spike. I'm sure Buffy will not believe Giles' part in it at first.
I do hope, desperately, that Spike doesn't think Buffy is part of the reason he's a slave *again*. That betrayal would just be too cruel, but I know in his state he might convince himself. I'm sure Spike will fight, whether it's going to be being hurt by Rayne for information about teh invaders, or saving Buffy I don't know. But you can't keep him down! I'm so excited, can you tell?!

06/27/2007 06:59 am
ALL RIGHT.....Buffy knows he's there and that's the biggest hurdle. Poor Spike not knowing what to think about Melinda but it is good she's there because Buffy isn't so clueless that she won't put the pieces together. She has SEEN and held him, she knows its real. Time to figure out how to rescue him and kick some serious butt.


06/27/2007 06:49 am
I actually yelled when I saw you had

Lovely chapter. Geez, my heart is aching for poor Spike.

Can't wait for more.

06/27/2007 06:23 am
Poor Spike , he doesn't know where to turn or who to trust.

06/27/2007 04:55 am
Wonderful reunion. Strong Buffy is needed here, hope she holds it together. Let the pain fall on Rayne, and Giles, well, once again misguided thinking he knows what's best for his slayer. He needs to learn Buffy is a big girl.

06/27/2007 03:40 am
Woohoo!!!! I love that Spike got some comfort, no matter how momentary it was, from being in Buffy's arms. I hope Buffy goes Rambo on Ethan and Giles and takes no prisoners! Thanks for the great update!

06/27/2007 02:46 am
Finally! The reunion was worth the wait. I imagine there's a lot of angst in store once Buffy finds out the atrocities that were met upon Spike. I hope she rails on Giles and Ethan gets the thrashing he deserves.

Very fulfilling update. :)

06/27/2007 02:30 am
Heeeeeey, go save the Spike, now. No more talky, need savey.