Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Fractured Light

07/06/2007 09:21 pm
excellent read, thank you.
Thanks for reading. :)

Miss Rose
07/04/2007 06:49 am
Poor Buffy, you did a great job of conveying her insecurity, hopefully she'll grow and become the mom she wants to be. Interesting plan Oscar has regarding Liam, I hope it works. The Spike/Joni interaction was so beautifully touching as always. Loved the chapter!
Thanks. Things should be looking "Beautiful" for Mommy soon. ;)

07/04/2007 06:33 am
I read in a review a few chapters back that a sequel to this could be a possibility. I just wanted to let you know, I really hope you do! I admit that I really don't understand this story and it confuses the heck out of me, but I still do enjoy it and like the 'verse.

I absolutely adored Prayers For A Poet, but felt a bit... cheated, when it ended. It seemed like I survived all that angst, just to finally make it to the good stuff, and instead found the words 'The End'. So, I was thrilled when you made the sequel to it, but slightly dissapointed when it just... fast-forwarded so many years ahead. It was like, but wait a minute, don't we even get to see a day with them together before the tragedy strikes? Which reminds me, if there's anyway i could talk you into a one-shot of the time period immedualtely after 'prayers For A Poet', I would love you forever!

I'm also not usually too good with new characters - it doesn't matter who it is, I just never quite fall in love with them the way normal people do. So, i may have read through that one a bit too fast.

But with this one, I'm realy struggling. Not with staying interested, just with understanding what all exactly is going on. Maybe it's just too deep for me! haha!

the only other thing I would ask if you go ahead with a fourth, is that ican you give buffy a little of the lime-light too? I don't really know how to say it. It's just, it's kinda like in all three fics, 'Spike is injured, Spike is hurting, Joni only wants Spike, Spike is emotionally tortured, Spike's the only one anyone care's about', you know?

I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be so negative. I do love your fics. i just sometimes wish Buffy could be more than just the one that sits around worrying, not knowing what to do, you know?

i realize that most of the people on this board tend to not even like Buffy & prefer to see hero/tortured/to-the-rescue Spike, but i'd just really love to see Spike set around and actually worry about her for once in his life, instead.

Please don't hate me!
I don't hate you. The fact that you sat down to type a thoughtful comment means so much! ::hugs:: Most people just say, "Meh, too much work, forget it."

My 'verse is convoluted. But, it's not all about "Buffy sits around worrying." In fact, all of this was set in motion because Spike was worried about Buffy "for once in his life."

It was Joni who couldn't deal with what happened, and because of that, she messed things up.

Believe it, or not, the happy life you want, with Buffy featured, :) is about to start. Just wait for it.

Good things come in small packages...;)

07/04/2007 06:27 am
I am so hooked,, i am understanding more and more and its hard because its always changing but its such an awesome story every update is just wonderful! When its all done I am going to reread it again I always catch things better the second time!

Thank you for the update!
Thanks. I'm glad you are catching on, even though it is always changing. :)

The spinning is about to stop, and the sunshine might be peeking through all the clouds soon. I hope you like the story just as much when things start looking up.