Work in Progress by Scarlet Ibis alým 02/24/2008 05:22 pm Huh! You got that straight,Captain Cardboard? She never loved you! Huh,again:D I loved the break-up scene,and I'm gonna read the rest right now:) I'm happy that worked for you :) And for the record, yeah, I don't think she loved Riley in canon--more of a strange obligation type of thing. Rae 08/22/2007 07:41 pm I decided to try this and have to say it's a great fic. I think you have done brilliantly in keeping them in character. Spike vengeance is a good thing and if you would have had him being more soft about it I don't think I would have continued reading it for the reason of it being to occ. Excellent and please update soon. Thanks ever so much for your lovely review. Oh, and writing Spike soft when it comes to vengeance is like...against my religion, lol. nmcil 08/03/2007 02:34 pm Interesting Story - looking forward to see where you take this - could go so many ways. Hope we get some new chapters soon - Yes, so many ways that even Muse is horribly confused, lol. Thanks for reviewing, and sorry for the wait. 07/27/2007 04:10 pm Yay, the "talk" deed was done superbly! Aww, shucks...Thanks so much! And sorry for the wait. 07/27/2007 01:24 pm And finally the truth about all that Riley/Buffy (non)romance comes out. I loved the snide remark about him growing up on a farm. Thanks- I added that comment on the fly. It just made sense, and I"m glad you enjoyed it :D 07/27/2007 05:47 am is it too much to hope that we are done with riley? and then there is dear xander. very good chapter, thank you. No, it isn't. Though that isn't to say he won't be back, eventually...Meh, even Muse doesn't know that. Thanks for reviewing, and sorry for the wait :D 07/26/2007 10:50 pm This story is really well written. I do have to admit I was a bit turned off by the rape in chapter one but I thought I would wade through because I KNEW that Spike would have his retribution. If he had not fought back in some way yes I would have been angry because that's not Spike. I can't wait to see how this turns out. Keep up the great work. Jace Thanks so much, Jace. I'm glad you stuck through with it. And honestly, the rape turned me off as well- my first tread into "dark" territory. But anyway, can't say how it'll all turn out, cause I honestly don't know, but I hope to see you later, and that I don't disappoint ;) daniel_nieves 07/26/2007 08:32 pm Awesome chapter. I still find that there is a lack of pity for Riley in me, he pretty much deserved what he got but, I hope Riley never goes after Spike again. Thanks for the read Scarlet. It's cool about the lack of pity. In fact, if you had some, I'd be deeply disturbed, lol. Thanks so much for your lovely review Daniel, and sorry for the wait ;) 07/26/2007 01:04 pm oh that was good her admitting she never loved him, she can't love him because she seems to be in love with Spike whether she wants to believe it or not. MOre please. I'm sure that whether or not Spike was there, she still wouldn't have loved him- guy was like a brick wall. Big, and boring, lol. Thanks for your review, and sorry for the wait :D Lou 07/26/2007 08:17 am Yaaaay!!! Lovely way to start the day. Buffy needs to get to Spike before Xander tries something daft though. Aww, thanks Lou! Ah yes...those three--well, I can't say. Anyway, sorry for the wait, and I hope the update doesn't disappoint. 07/26/2007 07:18 am Yes! She walked a away from him. It would be great if Riley left but what will he try to do something to Spike, before he leaves? Giles is learning more about his slayer tonight. Loved the conversation between Giles and Spike. It's one of the most honest ones they've ever had. Great chapter, Thanks for the update. Can't tell you, lol. All answers are in the update. Well, not all, but, some :D And I can't stay away from friendship/father-son Giles/Spike convos, cause they're so gosh darn adorable...Aww. Anyway, sorry for the delay, and thanks as always for reviewing. Tamara 07/26/2007 05:23 am I'm glad Buffy realized the bigoted turn of her thoughts. She's got a point about him thinking of demons as animals and growing up on a farm. Add to that the fact that serial killers start with animals and you could easily see how any Initative member who thinks it's fine to hurt demons (espicially human looking demons) could make the leap to doing the same to humans. I find it worrying that Xander is going to try and find out what's going on not to mention that Riley is free to leave. Once he crossed the line to raping demons , he might do it again especially if the Initative chips more demons. He also doesn't seem to have gotten that what was done to him was because of his own actions. Yeah, I've always had some...feel good feelings that *weren't* about the Initiative. And Riley disturbed me with his testing Xander's comment in "The Replacement." Anyway, Xander's a poor lost boy, but eventually, he'll see the light. I hope. I really can't speak for Muse, lol. Thanks for reviewing, and sorry for the wait ;) 07/26/2007 05:14 am i'm so glad she told riley that, so glad she rejected him completely in favor of spike...excellent chapter, love, can't wait to see what it is that riley has decided, and how the aftermath of all this plays out :) Oh DoS, I always thought she should've rejected him regardless, lol. Thanks so much for all your help- I'd be a wreck otherwise :D kim 07/26/2007 04:53 am Don't be too hard on him, Rupert.....you've seen Spike be anything but a plain ol' vampire. Wow, honesty from Buffy... Poor Rupert is completely baffled, unfortunately. And your ex losing his mind and attacking others, well, it can do that to people sometimes, lol. Sorry for the wait, and thank you for reviewing :D 07/26/2007 04:47 am Great chappie. The bit about him growing up on a from ROFL! So Buffy needs to do some serious soul searching and get out of the river, oh yeah, and get over Angel. I wonder what Giles is going to get up to. He's brain is working. Can't wait for more. Yeah, that farm thing sorta just came to me. Mostly, I thought "eww," lol. And poor Giles- don't you just feel sorry for him? He's so stressed. Thanks for revieiwng :D BT_ 07/26/2007 04:02 am wow. that was intense. loved it. But now we have to wonder what Riley's going to do next. I don't think he's just oging to let it go... Boy, that Riley. He gets such a defeatist attitude sometimes. He's lost his love, and officially found out that she really never loved him. Well, I can't say what he'll do...but I hope it doesn't shock you when you see it. Thanks for reviewing :D | |||
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