Forward to Time Past by Unbridled_Brunette
Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Eight

08/14/2007 05:54 am
Wow, loved your take on canon, and Spike's speech to Angelus. Great chapter as always!
Thank you so much. :D

08/09/2007 02:39 am
"With a bloodlust I could have controlled and didn’t. You might not have had a conscience, but you bloody well had a choice." that seems to sum the difference between angel and spike. excellent read, thank you.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you! :)

08/08/2007 05:12 am
"But the Slayer was not on his mind...Instead, there was someone soft and warm, someone alive whose blood he did not crave."

Little does he know that he really is dreaming of the Slayer ;-) No one loves quite like our boy. Eighteen years and he still dreams of her, still loves her, still remembers her scent. And, hopefully, still has that ring in his pocket :-)

"'You might not have had a conscience, but you bloody well had a choice.'"

I love that Spike calls Angelus on his attempt to separate his souled and unsouled selves. Angelus was just cursed with a soul, and already he's trying to deny responsibility for actions. On the show, I never understood why or how Angel convinced himself--and Buffy--that Angel and Angelus were two separate beings, that Angelus played Hyde to his Jekyll, when in reality, ANGEL was Angelus's alter ego. Angel's soul was a curse, and a very unreliable one, at that :-P One good point that you've made in Part Deux is that vampires have no souls, no consciences, but they do have a choice. They may not feel guilt, but they do know the difference between right and wrong...they just don't care :-P It's a very good point that goes completely against makes-no-sense-contradictory canon, but, in my opinion, works better.

Oh, I also love how Angelus has a soul that can go to Hell :evil:
Angel's hypocrisy is one of the main reasons I dislike his character. Angelus, at least, was honest: he liked killing. But give him a conscience, and suddenly it's all "I could NEVER do something like that. It was the demon - not me!" (I'm paraphrasing, of course.) And Buffy always let him get away with it. When Spike regained his soul, he was always honest about being responsible for some truly reprehensible acts, which, I think, is a true sign of redemption.

I'm glad you liked the update. Thanks for the review! :)

08/08/2007 03:32 am
Yay! More story! *snuggles UB* Lovely thing to come back to after vacation. :)

I like the way you twisted canon on this one. So funny that people were confusing Angelus/Darla with Spike/Dru and calling them both the Scourge of Europe! And I love Spike's deliberate attempt to keep Angelus from getting rid of the soul. It makes Spike seem malicious and clever, whereas I always thought he came off kind of dopey, when he unknowingly screwed up Darla's deal on the show. Love the confrontation between the two of them, showing that their feelings about the soul were formed right from the beginning, and stayed pretty much the same for a hundred years.
I agree. The gypsy scene was played for laughs in the AtS episode, 'Darla'. I always disliked that ... well, I disliked it almost every time they made Spike play stupid for a cheap laugh. Still, the bare bones of the scene intrigued me, so I decided to tweak it, and give Spike a reason to do what he did. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks. :)

08/08/2007 02:29 am
You've definitely captured Spike's vicious hatred of Angelus. His killing that family so that Darla couldn't use them as leverage for curse removal was proof that Spike's spur of the moment plans can work.
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks! :)

08/08/2007 02:01 am
Loved this twist to canon. Glad he got this confrontation with him. Angelus deserves no less. Eighteen years have passed and now a hundred more to go! Are we going to see what's happening to Buffy, any time soon? Love this so much, guess that's why it's driving me crazy waiting for them to be together again! *bounces in my chair* Thanks for the update UB.
Without giving too much away ... we are reaching the last leg of Part II. Glean from that what you will. ;)

Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks!

08/07/2007 02:47 am
Very exciting chapter UB.

With the Slayer removed from the equation - which brings up the question why Spike only killed two. There must have been others around.

Carfax Abby. Heh heh. You sneak.
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks, as always for the review.

As for Carfax Abbey -- you are my new best friend. I was hoping someone would notice that. :D

08/06/2007 09:08 pm
Sweet chapter unbridled. I wonder where the story will go from here.
I'm glad you liked it. Thank you. :)

08/06/2007 07:30 pm
Stunning confrontation. Spike really is his own man.
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. :)

grave tidings
08/06/2007 05:24 pm
oh, gods but I love this stuff. I can't say enough good things - vivid, in character dialogue so clear I can hear the characters talking, sheer delight to read. And Spike - the best characterization and motivation I've read of him in months and months.

And I'm glad your hand is all right.
Thank you so much! The most important thing in this story, I think, is that I do Spike's character justice. It's great to hear that you believe I have. :)

08/06/2007 02:42 pm
Bloody Brilliant Chapter! You do such an amazing job with detailing and showing the depth's of each character. I love what you've done with the development of your Spike and am chomping at the bit to see what you do with him next. I loved so many lines from this chapter.

*Oh, no, you don’t, Spike thought savagely. And with vindictive pleasure, he stepped into the cart and closed the door behind him.* Just makes me snicker with glee to see him do that.

And that entire scene between him and The best part was Spike mocking him and finishing the prayer..but Angelus unknowingly still got a dig in didn't he? "There's nothing good in you"...
Spike finishing Angelus' prayer was my favorite scene to write, although I have no idea why. And you're right, Angelus might be down, but he got his blow in as well. I'm so glad you enjoyed it and the rest of the chapter. Thanks, as always, for taking the time to tell me so! :)

08/06/2007 11:16 am
Wow...I'm shivering, that chapter was so powerful. Poor Liam/Angel...that's a weight no one was meant to carry, but it's his, now..

And Spike's enjoying his chance to be the Big Man now....except that won't be satisfying, either. Nice how even though the Scourge was separated here, he's still motivated to go after a Slayer to get out of Angelus' shadow.

I had a horribly crappy day, being sick, but finding a new chapter tonight was excellent!

*bows at UB's feet*
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that you're sick, kim. I'll send over some virtual chicken soup in hopes that you'll feel better soon. Even better, I'll send over a new chapter.

Except ... wait ... it's not even written yet. Oops.

Thanks for the review. :)

08/06/2007 10:41 am
Best chapter. Best! Oh, how I wish Buffy could have seen that night. It all comes down to choice anyway, soul or not. Please update soon, because you're doing such an awesome job, and I can't wait for the Boxer Rebellion!
How nice to hear! Thank you! :)

08/06/2007 09:39 am
hmmmm, interesting take on this. I was expecting Spike to be unaware of the change in Angelus, but him knowing will make things much more interesting.
I anxiously await more....LOTS MORE! >_
You greedy thang. :P Thanks for the review.

08/06/2007 09:24 am
Oh this was good. :D
I loved Spike laying into Angelus like that. Brilliant as always.
Glad you liked it. Thanks! :)

08/06/2007 08:38 am
Well, whatdya know... For a moment there, I thought you were gonna curse Spike *phew* So glad we dodged that bullet... But what does this mean for 1900? Will they be a happy family (or at least posing to be one, what with the grudges and the filthy soul) during the Boxer Rebellion?

Stay tuned to find out...

Or stay... what the hell do you call it for reading something as opposed to watching? ;)
Eh, you use your eyes for both, so "staying tuned" should work. ;)

You thought I was going to curse Spike with a *soul*? :gasp: No! No filthy soul for our boy. He's got far too much to do.

Thanks for the review!