Xena Complex by Ariel and BTL
Chapter: Xena Complex

05/11/2006 03:08 am
ROFL....that is so nasty...angel!! ugh!!! can't wait to see what's next :)

05/04/2006 06:56 am
ROFLMAO !! Man this one still cracks me up to no end. You guys rock for the hilarious fics.

02/13/2006 01:08 am
LOL, still love this fic :P

02/12/2006 12:17 am
Freaking hilarious chapter sweeties - I love the whole "Xena" thing -poor bot having to put up with the smaller angel hehehhheheh

09/26/2005 01:47 am
LMAO!!! This is so great, I love it!

09/26/2005 01:46 am
Now this is just too funny. Great chapter.

09/26/2005 01:45 am
**giggles too much to write a coherent review**

09/26/2005 01:44 am
Hilarious!!!! But hot