Xena Complex by Ariel and BTL
Chapter: The road to Belize

05/11/2006 11:46 pm
oh my gosh...ROFL ... riley married the bot!!! lol...how hilarious is that!!! i love this story ! :)

05/04/2006 07:13 am
Oh yeah ! Riley married to the bot is priceless!!

02/13/2006 01:43 am
OMG poor Riley is an idiot :P

02/12/2006 12:19 am
I love william thomas blood because the wouldn't work - hehehehhe and the whole wife bit - lovely just lovely!

09/26/2005 03:22 am
OMG!!!! Riley married the Buffy bot! That is so funny... LOL - okay is there a best use of the bot award? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Fab Ariel simply Fab!

09/26/2005 03:21 am
*Dies of laughter* Very funny. With the bot and Riley and the bot and Riley...pattern developing here :P! Keep it up!

09/26/2005 03:21 am
I think the bot is the perfect spouse for Riley! Just what he always wanted! Great idea.

09/26/2005 03:20 am
Even the Buffybot aims for Spike's nose! Riley actually believed it enough to get married to it. That is hilarious. Didn't he get clued in when it talked about it's twin sister Betty? Great Update.

09/26/2005 03:19 am
hey, just getting around to reading this (Wulfie pimped it for you) and it is too funny! Can't wait to hear what Riley's reaction is.

09/26/2005 03:16 am
LMFAO, let me guess Riley has her in common house wife garb :P