Xena Complex by Ariel and BTL
Chapter: Coming Out

Thanks :-)
04/28/2010 05:21 pm

02/03/2009 11:46 am
I loved that, it was very funny.

12/28/2006 08:03 pm
Very Funny!! Loved it!!!

10/17/2006 02:36 am
*snort* reread this one still love it

05/11/2006 11:53 pm
omg...that was hilarious!! loved the ending, riley wanting angel and xander...hahahaha...love it!!! thanx for writing this hilarious little piece :)

05/04/2006 07:18 am
ROFL!! Riley getting Angel's number!!! What a way to end this one. This whole fic was just uproaringly funny. Thanks, guys.

03/14/2006 02:58 pm
oh..lol...this was so funny, I have to remember to thank wulfie for recommending it...and to thank you for writing it. You made my day!

03/14/2006 09:52 am
I love it, it was great. The bot and gay riley and and *snerk and falls off bed laughing* oh god *wipes a tear* thumbs both of you.

02/13/2006 01:51 am
LMAO, any more like this one around??? :P

02/12/2006 12:21 am
lovely lovely lovely - riley bashing and happy spuffy what more could you want?

09/26/2005 03:26 am
Fantastic finish, though the thought of Riley with anyone, even angel, makes me green. I can't thank you enough for putting this hilarious little peace out there.

Screaming Flamingos
09/26/2005 03:26 am
Loved it!!! Very wigged about Riley announcing he's gay, but still very funny!!!

09/26/2005 03:24 am
He he he ....so funny! Love the way Riley was dealt with. Nice claimy scene too...always nummy!

09/26/2005 03:23 am
*OoooH my! Loved the beging, Loved the middle, LoVeD tHe EnDiNg!~!~! rofl* Too funny!

09/26/2005 03:22 am
Brilliant ending girls! Riley asking for Xander's number then Angel's! The Poofters would be so good together. Loved this story - but what happened to the Bot?? **hugs**