Aloha my love by Isabel
Chapter: That surprising vampire of mine

09/13/2007 08:59 am
Great update, loved it
Thank you, Jane. Glad you liked it.

09/13/2007 12:59 am
delightful read, thank you. loved xander getting it from both red and buffy. maybe, maybe it will sink in.
Girls... Unite! lol Yeah, maybe he'll get it. I can see him on his death bed at 87 thinking "Oh! THAT's what she meant!" lol

09/12/2007 12:24 pm
Alleluia! Xander heard a few home truths that were long overduw. Buffy has never been more eloquent, and the testimonial from Richard didn't hurt. Lovely chapter.
Thank you, Lou. I'm glad you enjoyed Buffy's little speech. I hope it helped Xander see just how crappy his attitude is.

09/12/2007 02:26 am
No beating up of Xander? Maaaan, I've been gipped! lol
Sorry lol But she did get him pretty bad with words, didn't she?

09/11/2007 11:32 pm
Ah, a good turn. And a neat parallel to the rich nerd that helped the Angel gang in LA. Everybody should have an eccentric rich friend. :D
Yep. Two type of friends that are good to have: the cool gay friend who knows his way around a Prada store, and the eccentric rich friend who can let you use his private plane ;)

And about that rich nerd friend of Angel... I wasn't a big fan of AtS, only watched it once in a while. Now, I'll have to rewatch the show to see who you're talking about. You got me curious.

09/11/2007 09:26 pm
Great chapter.
Thank you. Glad you liked it.