Passionate Encounter by benslilbug
Chapter: Breathe In, Breathe Out

03/01/2013 03:08 am
Ahh, I love this story so far. I know this is old, but I love it:) And I definitely agree with you on the dental hygiene front, it always seems to be missing!

06/24/2009 11:32 pm
Well, I did appreciate the tooth-brushing. I really love it that PASSIONS people watch Buffy & Spike on T.V. It was really cool that Giles immediately realized what had happened ( or sort of did anyway).

10/07/2007 05:24 am
good dental hygiene, comfortable shower and a nap. very good way to start the day. fun read, thank you.

10/06/2007 03:21 pm
but the toothbrushes in a crocheted hammoc? I'll take the dental hygene, but that's just going too far! :) She probaby doesn't have any dental floss - used it in an emergency crocheting session in the middle of the night when the craft-supply store was closed and she just HAD to make something, but was out of yarn and such.
OK, I've lost my mind. I'll go away now.

10/06/2007 03:03 pm
"'A girl’d have to be crazy not to want you.'”

'Even the crazy ones want me, pet.'"

:lol: This story is hilarious. I've never watched "Passions," but I've been a fan of other soap operas over the years, and I'm enjoying the over-the-top, melodramatic facial expressions, etc. Will await next chapter.

10/06/2007 03:02 pm
"'A girl’d have to be crazy not to want you.'”

'Even the crazy ones want me, pet.'"

:lol: This story is hilarious. I've never watched "Passions," but I've been a fan of other soap operas over the years, and I'm enjoying the over-the-top, melodramatic facial expressions, etc. Will await next chapter.