Beer Foamy by Spikez_tart
Chapter: What's Missing?

Ann Onamus
11/24/2009 01:51 am
So, is Buffy going to end up having to save Spike from Cleo-the-Brute? Good story.
This is pathetic.  I can't remember what I did with Cleo.  Something sizzling.  :)  Thanks for reviewing.

Buffy Convert
11/24/2009 01:39 am
I like the Buffy-logic in this one: you had sex with me a bunch of times so you should get me a bunch of towels. Yes. He lives in a mansion, for Pete's sake. Just because he's a cold-blooded killer doesn't mean he shouldn't get his girl some towels. And ugh! the whole toothbrush thing? Don't even want to think about it.
Sadly when you write fiction, you have to do evil things to your heroine, like make her use her boyfriends toothbrush.  What the hell is she schlepping in that patrol bag anyway? 

10/10/2007 11:13 pm
uh oh...that could be bad...ominous ending to the chapter...poor spike, didn't know what he was getting himself into, did he? lol...
Does he ever? I will just have to save him - again.

10/09/2007 07:11 pm
Haha, "on a Need To Be Kept Completely In The Dark Basis". So Xander-appropriate.

Also, this made me giggle maniacally, and that's always weird when you're all alone:

Buffy and Xander crept closer to the New Age Meditation and Happy Feelings Worship Center, hugging the late afternoon shadows. Buffy stepped with care as they approached the building, placing her boots so as not to rustle leaves or make other noises that might alert the vampires inside.

Xander tripped over a stick and crashed into a steel garbage can.

But it's not just about the funnies -- the story has me hooked too. I'm dying to see what happens next.

Thanks NB - really appreciate the rave reviews.

10/09/2007 01:04 pm
Strong and horny, that's our guy! A bit all over the place too! Definitely not thinking things through, Fun!
Spike couldn't think if somebody paid him. Thanks L.

10/09/2007 04:26 am
Hey Char, great chapter. I'm loving this so far, question is, how far can Buffy keep the relationship on the sly?
Hey DN - Not much sly - Willy, Clem, Giles and Willow already no - how long can it be before Xander finds out? Thanks.

10/09/2007 04:01 am
spike been enjoying this too much. someone is going to mess it up. very good read, thank you.
Thanks v. Definitely some messing coming up.

10/09/2007 12:23 am
Buffy and Spike are just too funny when they are together. And for him to keep calling her 'wifey' just makes me laugh. Great plan on getting rid of the minions. Loved the chapter.
Didn't get rid of them all... Thanks for reviewing.

10/08/2007 06:54 am
lol, no, my bday is next month - you used it for the journal entry last chapter ^.^ (*sigh* and just realized this week i won't get a tat this year because of my rash)

And wonder how mad Spike'll be!
Happy Bday early BF. Spike will definitely be upset. Thanks for reviewing.

10/08/2007 06:11 am
Wow what an amazing story hope you update fast
Thanks Guest - updates are on Sundays so far.

10/08/2007 01:45 am
"Okay. I did. Come back to bed."

Giggle. Vintage Spike. Admits it, but just bulldozes on to what *he* wants.

Loved the Xander/Buffy interaction, too.

But I sense that some serious trouble is a brewin' *bites fingernails, waits for update!*
More trouble promised for the next chapter. I love obnoxious Spike ( like all other Spike flavors.) Thanks for reviewing.

10/08/2007 01:31 am
Oh I wonder what Cleotus is going to do.

loved it.
Cause trouble - what else? Thanks for reviewing.