Being William Pratt by Verity Watson
Chapter: Ch. 6: More Than I Could Chew

10/23/2007 07:31 pm
Buffy buys blackout curtains and kisses Spike's blood stained mouth. This is definitely not slayer Buffy but..."did she really made her peace with my [Spike] wicked ways?"

10/16/2007 03:51 am
Spike is just a little selfish. He has to feel as if she is hiding out from the world. If they at least talked about things, maybe it will be better. And she had no real issue with him when he walked in the door. Awesome chapter.

10/16/2007 03:21 am
ACK! That was awesome. Can't wait for more!

10/16/2007 02:55 am
Great update, I love this series!
Thanks, Christine - I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I'm kind of sad that this is the last installment. :)

10/15/2007 10:24 pm
This was a great chapter!! You would think for an vampire as old as Spike he would be a little less insecure!! Great, I will wait for more!
Thanks, Kelly! Yeah, Spike is ... well he's just not as grown up as you'd think, right? But that's part of why I love him. :)

10/15/2007 03:44 am
very good chapter, thank you. want the answer to spike's ending question nearly as much as he does.
Thanks. Vladt! So glad you enjoyed. And the answer is coming up shortly ...

10/15/2007 01:02 am
AGH! Your cliffhangers kill me.

In a good way.

Spike is so terribly... vampiric... so different from much of the other fanfic out there. You're devilishly good at writing him, just as he's devilishly good at being... well, himself.

10/14/2007 11:09 pm
"He’s incredibly bendy. I’ve taken up yoga.

This just made me giggle!

Wonderful chapter. She is making peace with WHAT Spike is since she loves WHO he is it has to follow. I'd like him to stop killing as I am sure she would, but she does understand as best as she can. Maybe he could still hunt and eat but leave them living? Then again when you love you have to accept the person as they are or more on. I still would have to at least broach the subject (and offer to fill in any gaps with my blood too).

Lovely chapter.

Thanks so much, Kathleen! And yup, that's the thing they have to wrestle with - except I'm not sure that they'll be quite so calm and common sense about it.

10/14/2007 09:10 pm
It always seems with your chapters that I've just started reading, and than, the chapter is done. They are THAT good. You get so caught up in it. By the way, that's how I felt about my first place in London (St. Katherine's Dock) it could have been straight out of anyplace, USA.
Thanks so much! That's just amazing for you to say.

And again, thanks for the real perspective on London. I kind of based that idea on BBC America's Changing Rooms, so I'm glad to hear that it's for real, too. ;)

10/14/2007 08:04 pm
An interesting question. Of course, with this Buffy not being a slayer, she very well might not have that need to destroy evil - but will she be able to handle living with it?
Got to tell you, I'm not usually big with the human-Buffy fics, but this one has intrigued me.
So glad you're enjoying.

I think Buffy's been conveniently overlooking the reality of Spike's place in the food chain for a *long* time. But that's what they really have to work out - in rather dramatic fashion, coming up soon!

Pam S
10/14/2007 07:39 pm
I think the latter is the answer to his question..Strange relationship. She knows he is a killer ..dancing on the edge of a commitment.

And what is that something "different" she wants.. a committed noncommitment? Sounds as if she is staying. Now what?

A committed noncommitment ... I like that. And yeah, this isn't exactly a fairytale relationship.

Thanks for the review - glad you enjoyed!

10/14/2007 07:00 pm IS she handling his diet, and means of obtaining it?
How're her morals and feelings holding up regarding his feeding habits? Will there be any ultimate change or modification in his dietary habits? Obviously he can't feed enough from her to matter.
Love the fic, and series. It's a slow burn, with subdued sparkage.
These days it's a rarity to read an unrepenatent Spike and a non-nagging, self-righteous, or grieving Buffy.
Thanks for the refreshing read.
So glad you're enjoying it fyreburned!

As for his diet, well, that's the sticking point, isn't it? I don't want to write a soulful, apologetic Spike and an ultimatum-issuing Buffy ... and yet I want them to have a happy ending. (Winks slyly, nudges fyreburned.) More to come!

10/14/2007 05:40 pm
oh. gah. this chapter was MADE OF WIN. and I love you for it.

Maybe, I think, maybe she’s just here for this. For a check-in, a top-off. Maybe you’ll do for her, and she’ll go back into the ordinary world and find her way again. She’s already been here much longer than our last interlude, nearly as long as our friendship in LA.

With a start, I realize that I’ll miss her. Miss her like a parent misses a favorite child, I insist to myself.

so much to love about that little passage. the vulnerability, the...ok, is it wrong to admit that I have a kink for the favorite child thing, even if he's kidding himself? ha. no, really. :)

and then the hopped-up blood-hot sex. god, yes. and the morning after. *flails*

this was a great thing to wake up to *skips off to breakfast*
A *gah* and a *flails* - that's high praise!

And if your lover is, what, six or seven times your age? Puh-lease, there's daddy kink going on there, call it what you like.

Glad I made your morning. ;)