A Penny Saved by benslilbug
Chapter: Truth Be Told

Buffy Convert
06/23/2009 11:24 pm
:+"Whwere the bloody hell would YOU expect a vampire to live?" Me, I'd pick the Summers' house.
 No more reviews for you - it interferes with my lmao.

11/21/2007 11:57 pm
hundred thousand dollars in back taxes - I hope Buffy was exaggerating?

Spike has a will and he's dead. Too funny.

10/19/2007 09:08 pm
Wondering what Spike has up his sleeve to get around Buffy? Will? Are you going to kill off Gates?!

10/19/2007 02:24 am
This is such a fun story. I love how you have Spike being Bill Gates. Always knew he was evil...just a different channel for it.

10/19/2007 01:22 am
a really interesting and unexpected story i have enjoyed following. I wonder at everything that will have to be done with Spike's will and if Buffy will later prove to Spike that she meant it when she said she loved him.