A Penny Saved by benslilbug
Chapter: Generosity

06/23/2009 11:33 pm
o.k. I know I promised no more reviews, but it was so cute - Buffy trying to take care of a little kid - a little undead kid. Never seen any other undead little bits, come to think, well, not that interacted with the Buffster or Angel.

11/22/2007 12:00 am
Cute baby vamp.

10/22/2007 08:17 pm
Is Spike planning to fake his death and leave all his money to Buffy? That would seem a bit odd. Why doesn't he just pay off her mortgage? The bank doesn't care who pays it and it's not like Buffy could return it. Or Spike could fake some life inurance policy to pay it off. Did Willow use Buffy's mom's savings to pay her and Tara's tutition?
Buffy refused to take Spike's money in the previous chapter because she sees it as "stolen" or "dirty" money (which, I suppose, even his earnings as Bill Gates' are, considering he killed him and all). I doubt that Spike wants to incur the wrath of Buffy, so he's taking a more complicated route, that he thinks will wind up better for everyone else in the end. Remember, Spike isn't much of a thinker, he goes on impulse. And yes, Willow used up all of Joyce's savings to pay bills, including college tuitions, hense the no money left. College can be pricey. Thanks for reading! The next chapter should bring more answers! :D

10/22/2007 12:06 pm
Just when I think the plot has become more simple and straight forward, you throw in yet another intriguing element. You're so clever! Can't wait to see what you do with Joy and what Spike's mysterious will is all about. Keep writing!!!!