That Thing by NautiBitz
Chapter: That Thing They Do

10/30/2009 11:24 am
Love that thing...that thing Nautibitz does...with my <gah!> what am I saying???
You're great. Snd well-nsmed, I might add.

04/07/2008 10:34 pm
Intense Spuffy fiction... Ahhh,with you as it's writer,it's just so bloody lucky.Loved it.

12/23/2007 02:31 am
oh yeah baby

10/29/2007 04:36 pm
Sigh......yes had she given in to at least accepting what she wanted and needed....lovely! Hot and somehow sweet as well. I do love you Nauti, you give us the pretties!


10/29/2007 02:34 pm
Love it from beinging to end. Thanks for the wonderful read!

10/29/2007 12:52 pm
Awwww - what a fun fic - and what a sweet, don't-we-wish-it-happened-like-that ending. Thanks for sharing.