Always Wait For You by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Nine

12/24/2011 05:48 pm
Of course Buffy hit Spike first. I don't see Spike staying very long. He'll take care of Dru and Angelus and go back to where he was. Maybe he will have more contact with the kids.
I doubt Spike will leave his kids again.  But he and Buffy have some things to work out.

11/16/2007 03:29 am
shame she doesn't have an answering machine. could have resolved a few issues right then. fine read, thank you.
Hee! Thanks.

11/10/2007 02:03 am
So great! Anxious for more!
Thanks! More is now up. :)

11/09/2007 10:41 pm
Awe cute :) The children had an idea of their own how to spend the morning. Sweet :) Only that it almost went wrong because Spike didn't know what to say.
Uh-huh... it's not always the simple way it seems, fight and make up. Not this time. It only worried the children, not used to that. Interesting question raised that didn't get answered...
Yep, more issues and questions than answers at this point.

11/09/2007 10:06 pm
Good heavens. I cna't believe how completely believable you have written every character. I loved it that the fight didn't go beyone one blow, that they didn't immediately put the daybed to use...or the floor or wall or whatever. The daybed probably couldn't have handled it anyway.
Can't wait for more updates - HOW are you writing such a terrific story so fast, anyway???
*G* I'm writing it so fast because it's already completed. It was written as my entry for this round at the Live Journal community Seasonal Spuffy and was posted there on the third. So, all I'm doing here is putting up the chapters at the rate of one a day.

I so pleased that you are finding my characters and situations believable. I hope you continue to like the story.

11/09/2007 09:53 pm
Hi there. I just found this story last night. I didn't leave a review because I was too sleepy. When you see how long my review is you will understand why I couldn't write it while being sleepy.

Let me start off my saying how much I love this story. I know that it is going to be one of my all time favorites and the story isn't even finish yet.

It takes a lot for me to really cry in stories. The first chapter had me bawling. I had fat tears rolling down my cheeks while my heart was breaking. I felt sad for Buffy and for the kids who had to grow up without a father. But my heart was breaking mainly for Spike. When Buffy and the kids were saying their goodbyes to Spike. That part moved me and sadden me so much. I was just trying to imagine what Spike must have been going through. To walk away from your family and be alone. Always thinking about your family and if they are ok and happy. Hoping that they are. Trying to picture what your kids look like as they grow up. Hoping your kids remember you. Especially with a guy like Spike. Who his whole life is about taking care of his love ones. Spike is love's bitch and which is why we Spike fans love him so much. I am sure being away from his family was killing him.

Some people feel that they can understand where Buffy is coming from. I don't and I won't. If you trust someone with your life. Then you are going to trust someone with your kids' lives especially when they are kids of that person as well. Even if she was not thinking straight. She could have said to Spike give me some time and let me clear my head. But to decide that same night that I want my husband and the father of my kids out of our lives for good just makes me so mad.

Buffy make a huge huge mistake. I for one hope that Spike doesn't make it easy for her. I hope Spike stands up for himself and say if you want me back then you are going to have to work for it. Cause what she did to Spike was almost unforgivable. To take away his kids and family. Does Buffy even think about the kind of pain Spike must have went through. I hope she really does realize the pain she put him in. Cause to me she does know she hurt him but does really realize the depths of pain that Spike must have went through.

I was wondering if we were going to see what Spike was doing during his time away from his family. Did he have any friends or a lover during this time? I hope he at least had friends or a friend and was not completely alone.

I know that you already have a lot to write about. So, I will understand if we won't see what Spike has been up to during his time away from his kids.

I will be waiting as patiently as I can for more. LOL

Now, you can see why I couldn't type all of what I wanted to say in a sleepy state of mind. LOL
LOL - that was one long (and very thoughtful) review. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story, although, I'm sorry to say that I don't really touch on where Spike has been or what he has been doing. I guess we can assume that he found himself a place to live where there were demons/vamps to beat up and whiskey to drink. :)

11/09/2007 02:13 pm
Oh my god - PLEASE give us smoochies soon!!! I'm dying here w/ all the longing and the angst.

But fantastic story and wonderful concept - very fresh.
LOL - they're going to have to work their way up to smoochies. It's been awhile and there's stuff to work through first. :)

11/09/2007 01:41 pm
Really enjoying this! I'm so glad Spike is back- just hope he and Buffy get back together soon!!
Well, they do have some things in common. Maybe they can bond over dusting Angel? LOL

elvara ( Jamies_lady)
11/09/2007 12:18 pm
wonderful, poor kids though, with anyone else it would be abuse, with Spike and Buffy its fore play:)
looking forward to more
Yep, just one of the adjustments the kids are going to have to make to having a vampire for a dad...Thanks for reading.

11/09/2007 10:52 am
I can't believe she punched him. The poor guy is a sucker for punishment.
Well, I don't believe he was anticipating it - and he did punch her back, so it's all good, if a bit unlike most couples' idea of how to best resolve a dispute...:)

Pam S
11/09/2007 10:31 am
Yea.. for the kids getting Spike back in the house without much to do. But the hitting..

And leave it to Buffy to run of. Can't admit it again. Shame it seems we are back to 'ole times.

Old habits die hard...not so much old times as you might thing, though. Spike's a different vamp this time around.

11/09/2007 06:41 am
Aw . . . 'Spike staring after her with his own answer more than visible in his eyes' He is so readable when his love is concerned. Loving it. Keep up the regular updates, please.
Thanks. Another one tonight. :)

Mr. Chaos
11/09/2007 05:39 am
Interesting that Buffy did nothing to deny that she has something akin to ademon in her.

Gee...its fair for Buffy, with the essence of a demon making her a slayer to be with the kids...but not Spike.

Yet another bitch moment.

About to the point thatif she doesn't grovel for Spike, he should go ressurect Fred and have some fun.
No, she's pretty much accepted where her power comes from. Her demon has been chained for a very long time, though. And converted into a weapon for the forces of good. Not much comparison to a vampire's bloodthirsty demon.

We'll see. Bigger things to worry about just now than their relationship...

Thanks for reading. :)

11/09/2007 05:21 am
Ah, the old Buffy and Spike. I missed you so, lol. Great three chapters. sorry I didn't post a review to the other two, but i enjoyed them all. Can't wait for the next update. I can do another snoopy dance.
No problem. Just so you're enjoying it. :)

11/09/2007 05:00 am
Love Love Love It!

this is my anti-drug
Hee! Thank you. :)

11/09/2007 02:53 am
They really know how to push each other's buttons. Thanks for the timely updates!
You're welcome. Another one coming tomorrow night. ;)

11/09/2007 02:25 am
My God, you're good. I'm actually on the edge of my seat, reading this. I'm dying to know what's going to happen next, so PLEASE, update again soon!!! *Grown-up enters the room* I'm sure I can offer some critical advice of some kind... *is knocked upside the head with frying pan by rabid fan, receives concussion*...but there's no need; excellent story!! Bravo!!! *Grown-up falls down unconscious, rabid fan does victory dance* Seriously, though. Really good; more please!!!
ROFL - your reviews are such fun to read. :) Another update tomorrow. *hands poor grown-up an ice pack*