Aloha my love by Isabel
Chapter: The US invasion

12/04/2007 10:02 pm
very good read, thank you. enjoyed using magic to wipe travers memory, but my sadistic side would have loved him to remember everything and be powerless to do anything about it.

11/23/2007 11:14 am
I started reading this two days ago and I have to say i relly enjoy it. Looking foward for the next chapter.
Hey, I'm so glad you gave my story a chance and ended up liking it! It's almost over. Two or three chapters left, and I finished one last night. So it should get updated in a couple of days.

11/20/2007 06:11 am
More soon please!!!
The next chapter should be up in a couple of day, promise.

11/18/2007 01:05 pm
Now that's a really ebol cliffhanger :P

Can't wait to see more!!!!!
Oh, Quentin Travers won't like what's coming, that I can promise you lol Thanks for your review.

11/18/2007 02:14 am
Thanks, Nikkole!

11/17/2007 12:28 pm
Great chapter, I'm all ' want more, now'.
And you'll get more soon lol I'm sending the next chapter to my beta tonight.

11/17/2007 05:40 am
no need to beg. the quality of the update merits good comments. fine read, thank you.
Glad you're still enjoying the story, vladt. Thanks for all your reviews. I appreciate them.

11/16/2007 09:53 pm
Pleased to see your still updating this fic.
Loved the big entrance, can't wait to read more.
I thought it was the kind of big entrance Buffy Summers would love lol. Glad you liked it. I'll update soon.

Sotia M.
11/16/2007 05:26 pm
I love this story, hope you update soon!!!
I will, promise. I'm really happy you like the story.

11/16/2007 12:07 am
Truly enjoy this story and so glad for an update. I understand RL and muse issues though. It was worth waiting for BTW.

Still loving Ben and Spike being accepted is always a treat.

Looking forward to more.

Thanks, Kathleen. My problem also have to do with discipline I'm afraid. If I force myself to sit down and write whatever comes to my mind, my muse eventually wakes up and get to work. But it's hard to do that sometimes. Glad you're still reading and enjoying. I can't believe this story is almost over :(

11/15/2007 01:42 pm
OH HELL YEAH! The US Invasion.
Can't wait to see how this ends!
You'll find out soon. I'm planning on updating before the end of the week. Thanks for your review!

11/15/2007 12:37 pm
I love this story, so pleased to see it updated. Now for the Travers face-off! He deserves shameful retribution.
Face-off coming up! lol And let's just say... it doesn't look good for Travers ;)

11/15/2007 06:28 am
Still here!

Ooo, showdown! Xander and Spike playing video games...perfect. Anya complaining about space, Giles stuck on the couch, Buffy's typical nervous energy...
Benji better not lose his nerve...he hasn't stuttered, yet, so I think he's doing pretty well! If Quentin doesn't kill him... ;)
lol glad you liked it. I cracked myself up when I made Buffy call Benjamin "Benji". It made him sound like a cute little puppy for some reason :D