Baby, You Can Drive My Car by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Four

11/29/2007 08:10 am
love buffy being able to admit she wanted him to kiss her ( and being confused.) and the scoobies to the rescue. everyone should have such egocentric friends. very good read, thank you.

11/20/2007 01:32 pm
Aaaaw -- talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face! Though Buffy might learn something from it, especially when her 'friends' start interfering! Can't wait for more.
Thanks. More tonight.

11/20/2007 01:03 pm
*Indignant Spike fan marches into room, slams door behind her, and glares at author. "Willow better not start sticking her stubby little nose into Spike and Buffy's relationship! I won't stand for it!" Mature reader creeps into room behind Spike fan and begins whispering in their ear. A heated conversation in whispers continues for a moment, and then mature reader waves reassuringly at cowering author, and leaves the room. Spike fan scuffs toe along floor. "And yeah, it was a good chapter. I suppose." Begins to leave room. "But you tell that Willow..." Is dragged the rest of the way out of the room by mature reader, who holds the door closed while addressing author* Excellent chappie, and I loved the scene between Spike and Buffy AFTER the kiss; the adult discussion that happened, Spike being wise and mature enough to deal with the situation in a good way; time travel and rewriting of S6 is definitely required after reading this story!!! Update again soon, please!!! *Door begins shaking and shuddering as Spike fan pushes on it in an attempt to reenter the room* Please!!!
LOL - your reviews are as much fun to read as the story. :) Thanks!

11/20/2007 12:41 pm
Continuing to love it- please update soon!
Thanks. Another update tonight. :)

11/20/2007 10:00 am
If Willow had concerns about the amount of time Buffy was spending with Spike, as if it was any of her business, she should bring her concerns to Buffy, not make a note to go behind her back.
Ah, but this is Willow - and she thinks she knows best for everyone.:) Thanks for reading.

11/20/2007 06:56 am
Ugh, wonder how long the two can hold out. I'm clinging to your every word. Can't wait for more!
Hee! Thanks. More tonight.

11/20/2007 04:56 am
You know that is how he really felt in S6, willing to do and be anything she needed. He merely lost track of reading her signals and it all went downhill from there because she wasn't capable of the relationship. THIS Buffy is in a healthier place.

I am worried about nosey Nellie Willow with her phone call plan. They had a LOT of nerve dictating who she could be with (and they really did). I'd NEVER treat a friend that way even if I thought she was making a terrible mistake.

Still loving this. Good angst, especially poor Spike! Love Buffy's slamme doors and indignation.

Thanks, sweetie. I knew you'd like this take on Season VI. Thanks for reading. :)

11/20/2007 04:42 am
This is progressing wonderfully. I definitely like this Spike and Buffy. Ah...what could have been!! **kicks Joss in butt for millionth time**

I'd review more but the review feature here disappears on me so I can'r post. I am always reading though.
LOL - Joss probably has a pretty sore butt by now. :) Thanks for reading and don't worry about the reviews.
(although, you might mention it to Dia, in case there's something going on with the script).

11/20/2007 03:18 am
It was the right thing.

And Willow should butt the hell out.
Ah, but then she wouldn't be Willow, would she? :) Thanks for reading.