Slay Bells by Eowyn315
Chapter: Candle Wax of Melted Dreams

12/21/2009 11:54 pm
Thanks so very much for not giving a blow by blow sexcapades.  Still think Jacob is plotting something oh so very devious... while Spike is being very much the gentleman especially after feeling "morally inferior to a soulless demon".

12/16/2007 04:53 am
If you have to convince yourself and debate about it, then no, Buffy. Jacob's got to have that inkling by now that he can't hold on to her forever, even if she's *trying* to be with him.

Loved the scene with Dawn - wonder what she got in a fight about, though? Doesn't seem like her style, unless someone said something hurtful about Buffy or Spike? She usually uses words to sting.
Thanks for the review! About Dawn's fight - I doubt it would've been in defense of Spike. Who at school would even know about Spike? Maybe her friends... Could have been about Buffy, but honestly, I think it's the action rather than the subject that's important. She's learning to fight (from Spike) so she's more comfortable with it, but instead of using it to defend against monsters, she's getting into some teenage rebelliousness that's foreshadowing later developments (if I ever write that far).

12/15/2007 11:14 pm
Silly, silly girl...
Well, we all do silly things when we're 20 and jealous.

12/15/2007 09:21 pm
Tee hee you can make me hate Buffy more than the ME writers ever did LOL.

I had hoped she would have come to some realization after finding out Spike had another interest or so it would seem). But nooooo she used it to make things worse. This girl is just too stupid to live.

Nice as Jacob is I despise him. I really get the feeling that if Buffy weren't running FROM Spike so hard she'd not give him the time of day from boredom.

Great scene with Jacob/Spike/Dawn. Liked the conclusions Jacob came to about "evil" even if he's only half baked.

My intention is never to make anybody hate any of the characters. They can be frustrating, sure, but I'd hope there's always some level of understanding why they're doing what they're doing, even if we think it's the wrong decision.

And I think maybe you're underestimating Jacob (and I hope that's just because of your desire for Spuffy, and not a reflection of my writing). He's meant to be a real, plausible alternative for Buffy - not just someone standing in the way of Spuffy, but someone she could actually be happy with under different circumstances. So, no, I don't think she'd be bored with him at all. But of course, it's difficult for the relationship to work when she already has feelings for someone else.

ya_lublyu_tebya (carryline)
12/15/2007 12:06 pm
Love it, love it, love it. She's so trying to compete with Spike and Susan. Glad there wasn't too much detail there though. Good job.
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

12/15/2007 06:38 am
I think I was more bothered by Buffy jumping into bed with Jacob than Spike with Susan. Maybe it's because Spike was only seeking solace, he needed some way to temporarily forget the pain but Buffy is just trying to force herself into this relationship with Jacob, to ignore the hurt she feels about Spike being with Susan, even if she doesn't realize that's what she's doing. Either way, it still registers as ick in my brain! Please tell me we're getting close to a Buffy epiphany, and I won't have to endure more of this!! Please?!?
Well, I don't know about "epiphany." Buffy's certainly got some denial to face up to, but I wouldn't expect her to suddenly snap out of it and realize she's in love with Spike.

12/15/2007 06:13 am
As I was trying to say...Buffy, jeez that was stupid. The things she has done make my head spin in the" I can't believe she did that" sense. When is she going to actually learn from her mistakes? And when has sex with a guy ever been hassle free? It's the very opposite. Buffy has me wanting to hand Spike over to Susan gift wrapped with a very pretty bow.
Mmmm, Spike gift-wrapped with a bow...

Oh, sorry, you were saying something? Hee. Well, I think Buffy's about to be confronted with the consequences of her mistakes...

12/15/2007 06:09 am

12/15/2007 04:48 am
*sob* What is she thinking??? Poor Spike; I don't see this ending well; please, please update again soon; I'm dying to see how this plays out. Poor SPike! *Sob!*
Thanks for the review! I'm sure this won't go over well at all with Spike...

12/15/2007 03:49 am
ooh a jalousie-sex vicious cycle! if i wasn't hooked before...
Poor Buffy though, the more she wants an easy life, the more she manages to complicate it.

Also Dawn and Spike's relationships keeps n etting better. He's really honing his authority figure skills with her XD
Heh, glad you're hooked. :) Thanks for the review!

12/15/2007 03:14 am
No she wants Spike why else would she be jealous of him. I am glad Spike made Dawn tell.
Oh, I don't think Buffy has any idea what she wants, lol.