Live Things by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Revelations and Banter

01/18/2008 07:09 am
really like this buffy. good read, thank you.

12/18/2007 03:51 am
Yay for super honest Buffy who's strong enough to stand up to her friends! She's the Buffy I always wished the real Buffy would be. Loving the easiness between Buffy and Spike, it's a good start to a new beginning!
Glad you like. I like to think Buffy could have stood up to them if she'd had just a tiny bit of courage.

12/18/2007 03:03 am
Glad that Dawn hasn't lost her protective instincts. Hey, Xander almost seems to be growing up, so maybe he can think more clearly on the subject of his wedding. I love what Buffy and Spike are going through, but I'm expecting an ambush to pop up any time now, since things are going well. Good story and the dialogue is perfect for all the characters. Good luck with the rest!
You'll just have to wait and see... Hehe. More soon.

12/17/2007 11:47 pm
Lovely chapter, good to see Buffy owning up to her mistakes. Can't wait for more! Thanks so much for sharing your story!
Yep, first step is owning up, then she can move on. Thanks so much for reading! There will be more soon.

12/17/2007 10:42 pm
This is a much nicer Buffy, but she still sounds real; this is like the Buffy that was able to face unpleasant truths throughout the earlier seasons, before death and everyone messed with her head. I really like the banter b/n S & B, too. Please update again soon!
I think it really wouldn't have taken that much effort for Buffy to be nicer and able to face up to her life- so that's what I've done! Thanks for the feedback! Will be updating again soon, I promise.