Some That Have Been Broken by Sway
Chapter: part 1

05/16/2008 01:03 am
Hello Miz Sway--well, dear one, there is some tasty treats in what you write, sweetness that I crave about the beloveds. You have their voices just right, some rough spots, yet the strength of your story is true.  Thanks for your words--hope you enjoy writing as I do reading.

01/15/2008 06:30 am
very good read, thank you.

01/06/2008 08:05 pm
The best Christmas treat!

01/03/2008 02:15 pm
I really loved this. Really wish Spike and Buffy had resolved things on the show before the finale. Will there be more??

01/03/2008 03:21 am
A very touching read. Thank you.

01/02/2008 06:58 pm
OH I dearly loved this one!!!! How lovely if it had gone this way (and it COULD have if she had taken a moment to saw what her actions were screaming.).

Don't know if you planned it but how apt that Buffy trying to bake those cookies by herself was a disaster but as soon as she let Spike in they baked nicely and were yummy goodness (take that Angel while waiting for those cookies you'll never get!).

Love Eva Cassidy's version fo Fields of Gold and always picture these two so you gave me a scene to use in future!

Got tickled at Spike's comment about gravity after his fall....very good Spike voice there.

Just wonderful...would like more of the rest of S7 with them together...sigh....(why we love Fic, to get what they didn't give us!!).


01/02/2008 08:57 am
that was beautiful.
Keep up the great work,

01/02/2008 07:33 am
Awww, how cute! Loving the very domestic Christmas these two are sharing. Excited to see where this is headed.

01/01/2008 10:25 pm
YES!!! So good - this is a totally believable concept, and so very lovely. Good dialogue, and good description of the action. Not normally a S7 fic fan, but this was just brilliant! Am now off to check out everything else you've ever written! OK, gushing over.

01/01/2008 05:57 pm
Loved this! So glad to see something new from you, I hope there will be more soon! Happy New Year!