Unreal Together by dawnofme
Chapter: I'm Here

01/16/2008 07:28 am
love it, thank you.
: ) Thanks.

01/02/2008 07:52 am
Hooray for the Spuffy luvin! It was quite unexpected (at this point) and that makes it all the better. Hoping for more of the same very soon!
I'm glad you liked it!

01/02/2008 06:36 am
Sweet love scene, it's so great to see Spike and Buffy starting off their relationship on such a high note. Fantastic chapter!
Happy New Year!!! :D
Thank you and Happy New Year to you, too!

01/02/2008 03:39 am
Excellent update. Odd how Buffy's greatest fear coming true has lead to to finally letting herself be happy.
Thank you. I think you summed up my fic in one sentence. : )

01/02/2008 01:55 am
He looked so thoroughly roguish... LOVE that line; awesome chapter; glad B is finally in touch with her feelings; can't wait to see more!
Thank you. I'm so happy that you liked it!

01/02/2008 12:40 am
I'm really loving this story!!! So Much!!! :D

I feel so bad for Dawn. With Buffy dead, what will happen to her? Giles doesn't have any legal rights to be her caretaker, when Social Services find out Buffy is gone won't they want to take Dawn away?

I don't envy Faith. Trying to step in and fill Buffys shoes will be very hard for her. Especially with the not so excepting Scoobies to deal with, and the Council wanting her dead. Things are probably going to get very bad, very soon.

I love that Spike and Buffy are together and that Buffy has told Spike that she loves him, and that she loved him before he left Sunnydale.

Can't wait for more!!!
I'm so glad you like it!

Buffy hasn't been declared dead by anyone, so right now it's not an issue. I am thinking of doing a sequel and if I do, this issue will come up.

I'm so happy you are enjoying the spuffy!

01/01/2008 10:07 pm
Thanks for the steamy update. You're doing a great job with character voices and visualization. Keep up the good work, looking forward to more soon! Happy New Year!
You're welcome : ) And thank you for the kind words. Happy New Year!