To Ride A Pale Horse by WeyrAtheneWolfen
Chapter: Chapter Eleven: Fallen Soldiers

01/28/2008 12:47 am
very good read, thank you. also my thanks for the valentines day massacre it (appeases my lust for destruction.) "Many of our nation’s leaders were turned into members of the walking dead." actually that process has been going on since the 1920's. maybe it reach it peak during the massacre? poor faith. thanks again.
Grins - you know that I love you *sniff*  Seriously  - so of course I have to appease your desire for destruction - and who better to take out a large death toll then our capital *evil grin*

I am glad you enjoyed the massacre and Faith's poor flight into the night - I also of course hope you enjoy/ed her back story in Running Blind. 

Thanks again for the lovely reviews!


01/21/2008 12:39 pm
Wood – her watcher, her lover, perhaps one day her husband… he was gone now

My heart aches for poor Faith, generally one of the characters I like least!! Loved this chapter; loved Dawn checking out Lindsey's butt, LOL; but no SPIKE!!! ARGH! hopefully Spike will be in next chapter??? Please update again soon! :)
I am so thrilled that you enjoyed the Faith scene - if your interested I wrote the back story which shows how everything occured for poor Faith.

And please (agreeing with you), Dawn would so be checking out Lindsey's butt - the man is hot!  *Evil grin*

Never fear, Spike makes an appearence in Chapter 12 - and yes we have Buffy and Spike intereaction in CH 13 *dances madly*

01/21/2008 06:52 am
Yay, Buffy finally got there! Now, she needs to see Spike pronto!
Evil grin ... would I make you wait to for the reunion... why yes, yes I would.  But I can tell you for a fact that it will occur in Ch 13.  *evil cackle* But Spike is in the next chapter, along with some fun Angel and Slayer scenes.

01/21/2008 01:46 am
OMG! Poor Faith! Still love this story. The historical blurb up top was really a stunning bit of work there. Just sharp.
Thank you so much for your darling review!  I cannot tell you how much fun I had with the Living Dead in the White House *evil grin* My forey into politics there.  Faith is tragic - but there is hope for her still! 


01/21/2008 12:52 am
Poor Faith....

Ha! Buffy being so clueless about W&H's workings is hilarious. It's like she's the old lady that's so out of touch with the present.
*grins* Time waits for no slayer!  I enjoyed this chapter so thrilled to hear you did to!