Connection by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Reciprocation

01/23/2008 04:17 am
And so it begins! I can already see the changes in their tentative friendship and how they're slowly getting closer. Love Spike's reaction to Buffy's flashback! I do hope that the Scoobies find out eventually about the reciprocated claim b/c it's lots of drama and angst just waiting to explode.
Good good. Yep, already gradual changes and more to come...

Of course its going to come out...these things always do...You'll have to keep reading to find out when though! *evil laugh* Thanks for reading! :-)

01/23/2008 03:06 am
I sensing here that neither of them has a clue, and that there will be more consequences than either of them foresaw. But it does seem in character for both - both headstrong and impetuous and impatient.

01/23/2008 01:45 am
Great update, I'm vey curious to see how they handle things.

01/23/2008 12:22 am
Ooh we meet ImpulsiveBuffy! And of course "No-one could ever know"... Oh dear... secrets are of the bad and they come back and bite you on the bum!
Let's hope the mutual claim puts a stop to the impending Biley....
They do indeed come back to bite you in the bum... So we'll see what happens.

Not sure I can promise the immediate end of Biley...but it'll be worth it in the long run, I promise.

01/22/2008 06:22 pm
one one could ever know.............. Sheeeeeeeea right thats goin happen!!! LOL great chapter can't wait for the next update!