The Thin Line Between Love And Hate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Five

01/29/2008 05:19 am
Gotta love a good mental image of naked Spike!  Love how happy it made Buffy that Spike came through with the money and that she's grateful.  It's great that things are looking up for her!

01/27/2008 12:35 pm
If I had been in the crypt, you couldn't have pulled me out for anything. I am glad to see the friendship building in this story and oh, why couldn't they do this on the show?

Great chapter!
Quite! But then we're sensible and accept that Spike is great and yummy... Buffy's still coming round to that idea! :-)

01/26/2008 06:39 pm
Lovely chapter, thanks for the continued updates!

01/26/2008 03:26 pm
Nice to see Buffy appreciating Spike's finer points.
Namely his hot bod :-) Can't be helped. Hehe. I find a little half-naked Spike just gets me through the day...Hehe.