Connection by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: The Truth Revealed

07/02/2009 03:11 am
Yep, another normal human guy walking away. Riley should have realized she was vulnerable after telling him all.

02/03/2008 04:38 am
Good!  Get out!!  Anybody who accuses their girlfriend of sleeping with someone because she doesn't want them tortured by Neo-Nazi's shouldn't be hanging around anyway!!  Great chapter; anxious to see more.

01/30/2008 09:36 pm

01/30/2008 11:13 am
Well I guess no good deed goes unpunished.  Good thing Spike has a ready shoulder for her to lean on.  Have fun writing!

01/29/2008 05:19 am
he he he he he about damn time!  GOOD RIDANCE!!!!

01/29/2008 04:36 am
He'll help with Adam 'of course'...uhm, isn't Adam HIS mess, not Buffy's?  As in Adam is an Iniative creation, not a demon.  Get a clue, oh wait, its Riley - don't ask for the impossible.

01/29/2008 01:18 am
Wow, he's insecure!  Not that Riley doesn't have anything to worry about because the developing feelings are kinda noticeable but you'd think he'd trust Buffy a little more after their time together.  Not that I really care how he feels since now there can be more of Spike comforting Buffy!  And that Giles freakout, knew it was coming!  Also, love how Anya knew exactly what was going on and made it very clear for the Scoobies!

01/29/2008 12:32 am
I'm so glad Buffy went to rescue Spike, but she really should have been the one to end the relationship with Riley rather than the other way around. She's so desperate for her 'normal boyfriend' she just can't see that Riley isn't normal, or that it's wrong to pursue a relationship with him while she's linked to Spike. Hopefully once she's had time to think about it she'll realise that.
Now I've gone and written an essay...sorry... loving the story even if I think that Buffy is being a bit wimpy.

01/29/2008 12:05 am
this buffy is too weak for my tastes, and i hate that riley had to be the one to end things when she should have done it a long time ago. 
She is weak...But remember, this is still a Buffy who's obsessed with right/wrong, bad/evil and the stupid idea of 'normal', personified by Riley. And she does like Riley too (though God knows why! :-D)

Hope you haven't been completely put off.

01/28/2008 11:54 pm
Another two great chapters.  Keep up the good work.

01/28/2008 11:19 pm
Thanks for the two chapters in one day!  Glad to see Riley moving on.  Maybe now Buffy will see what she actually has in Spike.