Beer Foamy by Spikez_tart
Chapter: Perfect Timing

06/22/2014 07:48 am
Really, very cute. Loved this story, laughed out loud at some parts, loved the dialogue, especially Spike's. Wish we got an epilogue, and at least the declarations of love... I think both of them deserve to hear they are lived and we the readers would love to know they found out. Really enjoyed it, thanks!

Thx. :-)
07/27/2010 01:07 am
Thanks for reading. 

11/25/2009 02:02 am
Very lovely tale.
Thanks BC - and thanks for all the reviews. 

10/21/2009 07:50 am
NICE READ - I don't read enough of the comedy or lighter fair in Spuffy Realm -

Second reading for me, and I enjoyed it even more with having seen the Parker -Buffy cycle for our episode discussions -
Thanks so much for reading again.  I don't think there's nearly enough comedy in Spuffy fiction, which I can't understand because when I think of Spike, I bust out laughing.

sister cuervo
10/19/2008 10:03 pm
 Funniest story I've read in ages!  I love it very much--darn shame there's not more!  Definately needs to be nominated for a Major Prize.
Thanks Sister - As a matter of fact, I just got an award for Outstanding Original Character at Spuffy Awards.  Appreciate the review.

06/25/2008 12:44 pm
Really enjoyed the tone and tenor of this. It's sweet without being off character..anyway loads of fun    
Thanks for reading and reviewing - the fun is the best part of Buffy for me.

03/23/2008 07:09 am
excellent conclusion, love, glad it all worked out for them...this whole story has been incredible :) *hugs*
Thanks Dreams and thanks for all the reviews. 

02/22/2008 08:12 am

Lovely romp.  I like the way that you were able to keep a lighthearted and funny approach, very snarky!

Thanks Deb - The snark is the best part.  It tastes just like chicken.

02/10/2008 08:34 am
Truly loved it, beginning to end! You gave a really unique spin to the Beer Bad story arc.  Enjoyably, Buffy seemed younger and a bit ditzier than the S4 Buffy we know; more like she was possibly, in S1.  Your Spike, tho' indeed a softy, couldn't help his innate
evil-ness showing thru at portrayed his lack of
attention-span, hyperactivity & ubersexuality wonderfully!  Even technically evil he comes off as a sweetie. The banter about minions was priceless! 
The Watcher's Diaries glimpses were intriguing.  Lady Vicky was wonderfully spunky, ill-behaved, and unmanageable.  The ending bit was sweet, even if the poor old codger (oops, sorry, the codger was Travers), was bumbling around Bedlam or somesuch.
I think you need to write a sequel, as you need to update us as to the effects of the combination of the discounted lingerie and Anya's gift of Frimwurst !!!  There surely MUST be something to come of that??? (Probably in about  9 months or so...) I think THIS Spike would make a hellaciously harried father, totally overrun by any prodgeny, especially if female; and would also be done in by any & all females of his newfound family & circle of friends! (Aw, c'mon--I could just picture this Spike pulling his hair out a' la Steve Martin as a new father)...
Thanks for the read and the mind mini-vacation!
Oooh, thanks for the wonderful review.  I think we all know where things are headed with Frimwerst.  I think I should have made Spike a little worse - he is Evil after all.  As to a sequel, I just signed up for a big group project, so I may not have time for a while. 

02/08/2008 07:43 pm
Ok, first off loved the story and second there has to be a sequel right? I mean come on there has to be something that happens with the  Firmwert statue glowing.
Not really planning a sequel - even Buffy's not stupid enough to drink more jungle juice (probably)  As for Frimwerst, I think we all know what's going to happen. Thanks for reviewing and glad you liked it.

02/08/2008 06:10 am
very entertaining wrap up to the tale.  loved anya' s gift.  thanks for the fun. (in last review it was not what you wrote, but what i assumed. that she  (vicky) had to be dead for a new slayer to be called.
I think we see from Buffy/Kendra/Faith then all the potentials that the Council can do what ever they please.  The mechanism isn't explained so naturally, I did what I wanted.  Thanks for your many reviews and glad you liked the story.

02/06/2008 09:18 pm
Hahaha, Frimwerst. And the pimp chain as magical big bad evil-remover? Genius.

Fab ending, S_T. Deftly handled from start to finish, and I just love the way you write these two. I've been reccing this wherever I can, btw.

Looking forward to whatever you decide to write next.
Thanks Nauti - I'm working on a Spuffybot which is, naturally, going badly.  Spike(JM) wore a silver chain in S6 whenever he had sex with Buffy, except for the last time in As you Were.  I'm thinking it was a magic chain. 

02/05/2008 05:28 am
I loved it!!!!!!
Thanks WS. 

02/05/2008 12:09 am
Oh sweet, please tell me there is more. I love it.

Haven't thought of a sequel for this one, but who knows.  Thanks for the many reviews.

02/04/2008 11:54 am
This was a great story, but now we need an epilogue to tell us about the necklace and the statue(evil grin)!  I really have enjoyed this and look forward to other stories soon.  Thanks.
I think we know what Frimwerst is going to do, :)  Thanks for reviewing.

02/04/2008 12:11 am
I think having Willow and Tara magic them out of the trouble was...kind of a cop-out.  Otherwise, I really liked this story.  Enjoyed the stuff about the other slayer at the beginning of each chapter.  Really wonder what happened to her after the hat.  :)  I'm sure she fot it, after all.  
Nice work, but for the quibble. 

Maybe it was a cop out.  I wanted to have them participate since Willow was involved in the story earlier.  I seriously need a Beta to help me with these plot holes.  I'm positive that Lady Vicky got a nice cherry red hat from her former Watcher and some red button up boots from her devoted husband.  Thanks for reviewing.

02/03/2008 11:08 pm
Sad to see it end, hope to something new from you soon!
Thanks S - appreciate the review.

02/03/2008 10:00 pm
it's already finished :S I really think I'll miss this story; but the thing with the fertility god statue and Spike's new necklace can be food for the muse to start a sequel :D I really hope so :P In any case, I really enjoyied your story and can't wait to read your next one ;-)
Thanks - working on a Spuffybot.  Hope you'll like that one too.

02/03/2008 09:52 pm
Serafimo Guttierez dropped his new construction company’s bid for repairs to the mall and the putas’ underwear store and dropped it into his fax machine. He pushed the send button.

Quizas los vampiros no eran tan malos.

**Dies laughing!! **

Thanks for a wonderful read from start to finish.

Thanks - I just had to get in something about how that Sunnydale sign gets fixed all the time.  Thanks for reviewing.

02/03/2008 09:24 pm
The perfect ending -- especially with the glowing Frimwort!
I may have to have the real Frim visit Sunnydale.  Thanks for reviewing.

02/03/2008 09:03 pm
Thanks for the story, it was fun to follow.  I notice you left some loose ends - glowing fertility penis for example. :)  Any thoughts on a sequel?  Hmm... does the claim make her immortal?  Will she and Spike meet up with Vicky and Jonathan?  Are they related somehow?
Anyway, even if there is no sequel, it was a fun ride.  Thanks. 
Not really planning a sequel to this one.  Maybe to Invite Me In.  Working on something else which is proving to be complicated.  Thanks for reviewing.

02/03/2008 09:02 pm
Lovely.  Really enjoyed the ride. 

Thanks PF

02/03/2008 09:01 pm
And a perfect happy ending! Now will there be a sequel? Parker is still out there and you said you had plans? Hmm?
No plans for a sequel at the moment, but Parker does deserve something.   Thanks for reviewing. 

02/03/2008 08:39 pm
Shit! I just saw this was posted and I have to go... well *shrugs* guess I'll have to read it at work tomorrow!!!

LOL at you.