The Thin Line Between Love And Hate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Thirteen

02/08/2008 09:41 am

This is much nicer bossing by Buffy!

02/08/2008 07:33 am
I think I may be suffering from an overdose of Spuffy fluff, but in a good way!  At least Buffy is being honest with herself, something I always love to see.  I love how your writing makes them come across so easygoing and comfortable in a really natural, believable way!
Hehe. Good good, because there will be more fluff, I'm afraid. Small doses at a time. :-) Thank you muchly for the review and reading, as always.

02/08/2008 03:52 am
Aaahhhh!  You stopped at the beginning of some Spuffy, leaving us all hot and bothered!!  Wench! :)

Thanks for the update - looking forward to more. 

02/07/2008 11:46 pm
Enjoying the ride, huh! Great chapter, their interaction was spectacular! More to come, please?
Of course!! Couldn't leave it there, could I? There must be more enjoying of the ride. :-D Thanks for reading.

02/07/2008 11:05 pm
I love the playfulness that still has the words paralleling Season Six in this chapter. I wonder how long Buffy can treat this like a casual thing or how long Spike can stop from doing something to nudge her along; I hate that he knows she doesn't like to hear that he loves her and they treat it so normally. Still, a good build-up and I look forward to see how the rest of the story goes and what obstacles might appear.
Yep, yep. Things will get more serious but fun is good. There will come a time when Buffy wants to hear that he loves her, promise (if she's not secretly liking it already). Thanks for reading and reviewing.