Origins:Resolutions by Niamh
Chapter: Preconceived notions

02/23/2008 10:28 am
I found Origins about a week ago and have to say that your series is AWESOME!!!  I am a somewhat glad that I have got to this point, because now I don't have more to read until the next update - maybe I can start going to bed at a reasonable time again and stop obsessing over your fic when I should be working! :) 

Thanks for the amazing story!  Looking forward to following the rest.  -yawn-  Going to stumble to bed now....

02/18/2008 07:47 am
very good read, thank you. riley is such a waste of space.

Rosemaree Allison
02/17/2008 07:52 am
One more thing - I laughed out loud when I read Leslie McKeown had rung Wesley - yes, I am a Bay City Roller's fan from way back!  I went to see them in the mid 80's when they were back together for 5 minutes - Eric (who was my favourite) spoke to me from the stage - I was right at the front, and I couldn't answer him.  I nearly ran over Woody who walked behind my car as I was reverse parking to go to a market while they were in town and I spoke to him for about 15 minutes - he's lovely.  I met, got a kiss from and  a cd autographed by Les and his whole new band when they came to Australia 5 years ago, and he was lovely too. 
So yes, someone got one of your cryptic pop references!
Thank you once again and I hope you keep writing Spuffy for a long time to come.


Rosemaree Allison
02/17/2008 07:41 am
I found your stories at the end of last year and have just read thelast of what is up.  Wow!  You have really brought the characters alive for me.  Thank you so much.  I read much more than I watch TV and your Origins series has really done it for me!  I will be sorry to see you finish it (thought by what you have written I can see you won't.) I saw my first episode of Buffy 1st December 2006 (still haven't seen all of the first 3 seasons), dunno why I waited till it was on cable (in Australia) to watch, and I have only seen a few episodes of Angel - it's sitting waiting along with all the other dvd's I haven't watched yet.  Do you post anywhere other than the Bloodshedverse?  I would love to read more of your work (not necessarily Buffy - anything).  If you get a chance & wouldn't mind emailing me the site if you do at that would be great, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you and keep up the great work.

02/16/2008 11:34 am
Sometimes when I read an update I have to go back a couple of chapters to remember the storyline, get the charaters straight in my head etc. I never have that with yours - they pick up exactly where I left them, told you loads I love this world, still gonna tell you again you are an awesom writer

02/15/2008 05:48 pm

I'm really enjoying this story. Glad to see an update.

Riley is scaring me. So much hate and no true understanding. He really doesn't know Buffy at all if he thinks he can successfully take her children from her. I look forward to her and Spike kicking his ass!

Sounds like they might have an ally in the Watcher's Council, as least for dealing with the Initiative. Travers isn't about to let the US gov't get their hands on the Slayer's babies.

02/15/2008 02:13 am
Wow; that's about all I've got for you, is wow.  Cannot wait for more; don't want to put more pressure on you, but I'm scared to death that you're going to lose interest in this story and it'll never be finished and it's one of my favorites!!!  Please, please update again soon, I'm dying to see what happens when Riley meets with them at the Magic Box!!!

02/15/2008 12:14 am
If Riley knows what is good for him, he will have his team drop this.   Buffy and Spike will hurt anyone that comes after their family.  And I just love Connor.  I thought he was staying with Spike and Buffy?  Where in the world does he sleep.  And Travers just will not know what hit him... Awesome chapter and I hope you get better soon. 

02/14/2008 08:55 pm
ahhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggg  Update soon!

02/14/2008 04:02 pm
Wonderful update. I really do love this series. Riley is being a complete twit, and I really want to know what Travers' reaction to the Initiative is going to be.

As for the references, I'm going to take a wild guess and try to pick out a pop culture one.

The house you placed Warren at was located on Coraline Avenue, which has the name of one of my favorite books in it. (Coraline by Neil Gaiman.)

Now I could be completely wrong, but the name Coraline Avenue caught my attention. :P

And finally, I hope you start feeling better soon. Being sick sucks.

02/14/2008 04:13 am

Riley, you're an idiot.

I'm sure Connor had fun with that.

Oooo, Travers is pissed now.....4 hours, huh?

Anya's renewed appraisal of Giles because of the Ripper thing is priceless. LOL

02/14/2008 12:57 am
So great to have this new update - I have been reading the entire series and have enjoyed all the books - Hope you will feel better soon - thanks for bringing us another chapter -

02/14/2008 12:23 am
I almost feel sorry for Riley. And Quentin Travers. Almost.

02/13/2008 11:39 pm
I'm so glad you are continuing this.  It really made my day to come home to an update.  Thank You!!

02/13/2008 11:25 pm

Hope you're better soon! Thanks for the update!

02/13/2008 09:25 pm
Forgot to leave my name on my review, sorry. But still fantastic and can't wait for more.

02/13/2008 09:23 pm
Oh my god, just when you thought you couldn't despise Riley any more, he plumbs new depths of bigotry and ignorance. That he still thinks it's ok, to experiment on other sentient beings, is enough to condemn him for me. He's learned nothing from the Adam fiasco. He's so set in his beliefs it's hard to see how he can be stopped without violence. And I can't see the good doctor giving up his new lab rats without a fight.
Then there's Travers, I wonder if he really is as ignorant of his teams background as everyone thinks. Always thought the Council could prove useful if they got their priorities straight. Fantastic update, you've got me buzzing with all the new twists and turns. Loved the take down of Warren and Andrew, really cool. Can't wait for more.

02/13/2008 08:46 pm

Kramer and Riley - what a pair!  And what a great plan for Kennedy to be the new Slayer.  My grrrr meter will be going off the scale.

02/13/2008 06:52 pm
Great story so far welldone!

02/13/2008 06:21 pm
Nooooo! Left hanging! :'( *sigh* Another great chapter!! Please update soon!