The Thin Line Between Love And Hate by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Twenty-Two

02/17/2008 10:46 am
Ouch, that was kinda painful. 

02/17/2008 07:53 am
Oh, this is baaaad!  Stupid Angel!  Nice twist there though, much worse than Riley showing up.  And it gives Buffy the perfect opportunity to make it up to Spike and prove that she loves him not Angel.  I'm sure there is going to be a bit of interim angst but it's a better scenario in the long run!
Exactly. There is a reason for Angel turning up instead of Riley. Much better for forcing feelings out.

02/17/2008 04:54 am
Oh, dear.  She should just have stayed on his bed.  :(

Damn Angel for getting between them!  Well, he's damned anyway, so I guess that won't help....  -sigh- 

02/16/2008 08:18 pm
Oh, it's heartbreaking. I just knew Angel would have to ruin everything for her. And if it was so urgent they wouldn't be able to wait a night to get weapons and stuff! Poor Spike, if Angel is rubbing it in I fully expect one or both of them to beat Angel up. And if Buffy tells Spike she loves him in front of Angel... Bonus!
Good chapter.
Methinks you're going to like the next chapter...

02/16/2008 07:34 pm
Stupid Angel and stupid Buffy for going w/ him!
Well, quite. Think she realises that though. Now she's just got to make it up to Spike.

02/16/2008 06:54 pm

Damn Angel, poor Spike.  You kinda switched the angst around on us. I hope you'll update soon.

Hehe, do you like what I did there? :-) Don't worry, things will revert back to normal soon. Thanks for reading!

02/16/2008 02:27 pm
Buffy just get dumber and dumber - it would have taken what - a couple of minutes to tell Spike?  He's never going to come first and it's only fair she tells him.
She's definitely going to regret this. But it may have a different effect than you think... Thanks for reading!